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Questions tagged [funding]

Use this tag for questions related to the funding of political groups, movements or projects. If your question relates to funds provided by governments, use the [public-funding] tag.

5 votes
1 answer

Why deliberate NASA authorization bills if NASA doesn't need them?'s The sound and fury over a NASA authorization bill says that a NASA authorization bill isn't required and most years the US Congress doesn't pass one. Question: If that's so, then what ...
uhoh's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Outside the US, are candidates allowed to spend an unlimited amount of money on their own campaigns?

In the US, citizens are only allowed to donate $2500 per election to a single candidate. You can of course donate as much as you want to a Super PAC, but this money would not be directly available to ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Borrowing funds or loans by states(provinces) in India

Can a state government borrow loans or funds from other states in India? If yes, does the Union government or the President need to be involved in this? Is there any limitation to this? I searched ...
user12208242's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How much funding (if any) does the CDC receive from private industry?

Does the CDC receive funding from pharmaceutical companies, or any other non-government agency or company? If so, how much money and from whom?
Kara Bell's user avatar
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Are huge donations to political campaigns truly useful and a sensible investment?

I've been reminded recently of the huge investments in political campaigns in the last few years (mainly the 2016 US Presidential elections and the UK Brexit referendum) and I was also reading this ...
berdario's user avatar
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49 votes
2 answers

Why is Bernie Sanders maximum accepted donation on actblue $5600?

Check here and try to enter a number higher than $5600. I know this question might be oddly specific, but i have no idea why it would be such an odd number, and not just $5000.
Flying Thunder's user avatar
-2 votes
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Who funds the Global Public Policy Initiative?

There's this Berlin-based think tank called the Global Public Policy Initiative (GPPI). Their website says they are an "independent" institute, which in layman's terms means they're trying to ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Are there any examples of electoral bonds or similar instruments usage in the Western democracies?

After Reading this question I have searched if any Western democracy have used something similar to make political campaign financing more transparent. From the accepted answer in the aforementioned ...
Alexei's user avatar
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What is the next portion of the US government that will be shutdown?

Currently, it appears that around 25% of the US government is shutdown. To the best of my understanding, this is because different departments funding expires at different times. What does the ...
spmoose's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Can the US Congress allocate funds conditionally?

Could Congress allocate funds for a project or agency, but add a restriction that the funds cannot be used until some other criteria is met? For example (purely hypothetically, of course): Could ...
Arcanist Lupus's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't funding for U.S. government services simply continue at its previous level if a new budget can't be passed?

In the United States, a failure to pass a budget for the new fiscal year results in a government shutdown, during which all government agencies lose funding except those which are funded through other ...
Vikki's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is 3/4 of the US federal government unaffected by a shutdown?

I don't understand why the shutdown only affects a portion of the government. Where does the rest get its funding and why isn't it bound by the same dependency on congressional approval?
temporary_user_name's user avatar
5 votes
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How many Republicans from non-Democratic states would have to side with Democrats to override Trump’s veto?

I'm just curious how hard an override of the veto to restart the goverment is? Let's say the goverment shutdown keeps going, grows less popular, and neither Trump nor the Democrats are willing to ...
dsollen's user avatar
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Long term, does Trump's wall cost more than it saves per year?

One of the biggest areas of disagreement on the wall is its cost efficiency. Republicans claim it will save us money by preventing the need to support illegal immigrants who enter the US, while ...
dsollen's user avatar
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Legislation or Constitutional Amendment needed to prevent Government Shutdowns in the US?

If we wanted to create a rule for the government budget that said that would prevent government from NOT leaving the government funded, would it require a constitutional amendment or could/should this ...
Karlomanio's user avatar
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