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Astute Reader
  • Member for 4 years, 1 month
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  • USA
92 votes

Hypothetically, why can't we wrap copper wires around car axles and turn them into electromagnets to help charge the batteries?

28 votes

How do I interpret uncertainty in velocity greater than the speed of light?

11 votes

Does perfect knowledge of momentum of a free particle imply that there is a finite probability of finding free particle anywhere in the universe?

8 votes

How $[x,p]=i \hbar$ implies that $x$ and $p$ do not have simultaneous eigenstates?

8 votes

Lagrangian potential for Newtonian gravity

8 votes

Thought experiment with particle in a 1d potential well

7 votes

LSZ reduction formula (Schwartz)

7 votes

Why does a body accelerate when there is a force applied to it?

6 votes

Is there a classical quantum mechanics?

6 votes

What is the relationship between lattice field theory and grid-based numerical methods?

6 votes

An integral in Peskin & Schroeder's Quantum Field Theory p. 27

5 votes

What does $V(r)$ mean in the Schrodinger equation?

4 votes

Does $L\cdot S$ commute with $J^2$?

4 votes

Infinitesimal generator of change of basis (Fock Space)

4 votes

Why is curved space able to change an object's velocity (vector)?

4 votes

What is the source of light in Cherenkov radiation?

4 votes

Three integrals in Peskin's Textbook

4 votes

Why do the counterterms in renormalized $\phi^4$-theory with power two in fields give vertices and not propagators?

4 votes

What makes the electron, as an excitation in a field, discrete?

4 votes

Understanding Quantum Spin as a Vector And Spin Operators

4 votes

What happens if we suddenly change the potential in Schrodinger equation?

4 votes

Why does the time translation operator have a different sign than the time evolution operator?

4 votes

$S$-matrix from LSZ

3 votes

Why are only positive frequency mode functions allowed in Quantum field theory? How is this consistent with anti particles having negative energy?

3 votes

Lorentz group generators and its dimensionality

3 votes

Magnet Field and Electric field representation image misunderstanding

3 votes

How to derive the formula for the quantum Hamiltonian $\hat H(\hat P,\hat Q)$ in terms of the classical $H(q,p)$, via Weyl Ordering?

3 votes

If a photon takes all possible paths, does it travel faster than light?

3 votes

Spinor indices in $\not p = m_P$ (mass renormalization)

3 votes

What's the debate about Newton's bucket argument?