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How does spontaneous supersymmetry breaking lead to different masses between superpartners?

For the past few days I've been studying supersymmetric quantum mechanics. My main sources that I use are David Tong's lecture notes on supersymmetric quantum mechanics, as well as Edward Witten's ...
luki luk's user avatar
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The difference between High energy SUSY and low energy SUSY

In the literature and comments, I have met two pieces of jargon: Low energy SUSY, High energy SUSY I'm confused about the technical and well-defined conceptual differences between the two type of ...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Momentum maps and supersymmetry

While reading a paper by Gaiotto et al., I stumbled upon the concept of momentum maps where they are used in section 2.1 to characterise the vaccum structure of some theory. I tried reading the ...
Davide Morgante's user avatar
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Relation between RG flow and space of vacua

When studying supersymmetric QFT's, it is very common to compute the moduli space of the theory by solving all F-term equation (derivatives of the superpotential). More precisely, one should also ...
xpsf's user avatar
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Gauge-mediated SUSY breaking mechanism explained in simple terms

How can the basics of gauge-mediated SUSY breaking mechanism be explained in simple terms? (sample explanation of EW SSB, for reference: “electroweak symmetry is broken due to a non-vanishing value of ...
Vitaly Korzhik's user avatar
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On Goldstone fermions / goldstino: SUSY breaking

There are statements about Goldstone fermions, or goldstino, seem confusing to me. (1) Goldstone boson requires a continuous symmetry spontaneously broken. Does Goldstone fermion imply continuous SUSY ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Supersymmetry non-breaking $\iff$ no "Goldstone fermion"?

In Supersymmetry and Morse Theory (1982) by E Witten, Concern whether the supersymmetry is broken by checking whether $$ Q | 0 \rangle=0 $$ exists or not --- Witten said: SUSY breaking: A solution ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Non-extended and extended SUSY

What are the distinctions between Non-extended SUSY and Extended SUSY? (Is that just a non-extended SUSY has $\mathcal{N}=1$ while the extended SUSY has $\mathcal{N}>1$ ? Then there is no ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Witten index of a gas

I was reading a paper that studies a gas of fermions and bosons. It states that "due to physical background", the Witten index $\Delta=Tr[(-1)^{F}e^{-\beta H}]$ equals 1. I have read that in ...
carlorop's user avatar
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No equal boson/fermion masses when supersymmetry is broken?

I am currently studying the paper by Witten on supersymmetry and Morse theory. In the introduction it is stated that when supersymmetry is not broken, i.e. $Q|0\rangle=0$, the Hilbert space contains ...
Who Is Drubbels's user avatar
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Layman's questions about Supersymmetry

Please help me with two very silly questions. Assuming supersymmetry is correct, why don't we observe the superpartners of the Standard Model particles at ordinary energies? Why do we have to search ...
Solidification's user avatar
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Spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry

I am a beginner in SUSY Quantum mechanics. I had read that the symmetry is spontaneously broken if $A \left|\psi \right>_n^{(1)}\neq 0 $ and symmetric if $A \left|\psi \right>_n^{(1)}= 0. $ But ...
walber97's user avatar
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SUSY Breaking in the Vacuum

Under what conditions is supersymmetry preserved in the vacuum state? In particular, suppose I have some super potential $W(x)$ which does not permit normalizable ground-state wave functions (such as $...
SescoMath's user avatar
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Super GoldStone model and SuperHiggs theorem

I am currently studying SuperSymmetry and I have reached a problem which I have not found an answer to. I clearly understand how the Goldstone theorem works for the boson case (without any susy) ...
Rednuth's user avatar
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Is Lorentz symmetry broken if SUSY is broken?

I have seemingly convinced myself that the entire Poincare group is spontaneously broken if one of the supersymmetric charges is spontaneously broken. We know that if one of the supersymmetric ...
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