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Are strong correlations of boundary spins possible in the absence of long-range order in the bulk?

Question about one-dimensional models with short range interaction of quantum spins, such as transverse Ising and Heisenberg models. Are there any examples when, in the ground state of the system, the ...
Gec's user avatar
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What is the signal of a spin wave?

From what I understand, for example in the Ising model, we can probe the correlation function via neutron scattering, and the correlation function gives the magnetic susceptibility for the system. Is ...
Kim Dong's user avatar
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Why is $H = J \sum_i (S^x_i S^x_{i+1} + S^y_iS^y_{i+1})$ always gapless for any spin $S$?

In the following I have in mind antiferromagnetic spin chains in periodic boundary conditions on a chain of even length $L$. Consider the spin-$S$ spin chain $$H = J \sum_{i=1}^L (S^x_i S^x_{i+1} + S^...
user196574's user avatar
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Phase transitions in the XXZ model

Consider the one-dimensional quantum XXZ model defined by the Hamiltonian: $$ H = J \sum_{i} \left (X_i X_{i+1} + Y_i Y_{i+1} + \Delta Z_i Z_{i+1} \right). $$ First, let us focus at zero ...
PhysicsNerd's user avatar
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Generating Matrix Product States from a (random) vector

I try to decomposite an arbitrary quantum state into a matrix product state. For this i follow this paper by U. Schollwöck where especially section 4.1.3 is relevant. So far I did the following: ...
Luc4aa's user avatar
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Mathematical meaning for Algebraic Bethe Ansatz

I'm a mathematician who's trying to understand the meaning of Algebraic Bethe Ansatz. What I understood is that when dealing with quantum integrable models (like XXZ Heisenberg spin chain), one is ...
BlueCharlie's user avatar
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Tunneling lowers the energy of a ground state superposition of spins up and down in the quantum Ising model

Considering an Ising model in the quantum scenario in quantum spatial dimension d=1 (that corresponds to classical D=2=d+1 dimension). Starting with the Ising model hamiltonian under the approximation ...
Cuntista's user avatar
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Ground state of the Heisenberg XXX model with a coupling?

I have a one-dimensional Heisenberg chain with a Magnetic field with $N$ sites with $J>0$ \begin{equation} \mathcal{H} = -J \sum_{i = 1}^{N-1} \vec{S_i}\cdot \vec{S_{i+1}}- \sum_{i = 1}^N \vec{H}\...
QFTheorist's user avatar
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Calculate partition function of 1D quantum Heisenberg models?

For the 1D Quantum Heisenberg Spin Model: $\displaystyle {\hat H = -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{j=1}^{N} (J_x \sigma_j^x \sigma_{j+1}^x + J_y \sigma_j^y \sigma_{j+1}^y + J_z \sigma_j^z \sigma_{j+1}^z + h\...
david's user avatar
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Emergent higher symmetry breaking without topological order?

In this paper prof. Wen states that (p.6) a spontaneous higher symmetry broken state always corresponds to a topologically ordered state. Are there examples of simple (or not) quantum spin models ...
Kostas's user avatar
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Exact ground state degeneracy for quantum spin system with non commuting terms and its quantum phase transition?

Let's say I have a 2D quantum spin model of N spin-1/2 particles, with two terms: $$ H = -J \sum_N \prod_{i \in G} \sigma^x_i - h \sum_N \prod_{i \in G'} \sigma^z_i $$ The first is a collection of ...
Kostas's user avatar
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Integrability of spin central model

I have a central model of this form $$H = \sum_{i=1}^{N} S^z_0\otimes S^z_i$$ where the $S^z_i$ acts on the $i$th element of the environment, i.e. the Hilbert space is of the following form $\mathcal{...
raskolnikov's user avatar
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Why the ground-state energy of S-1/2 Anti-Ferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain is not$-\frac{N}{4}J$

The Hamiltonian of traditional Heisenberg model is $$\hat H = J\sum_{<i,j>}\vec{S_i}\cdot\vec{S_j}=J\sum_{<i,j>}\left(S_i^zS_j^z+\frac{1}{2}\left(S_i^+S_j^-+S_i^-S_j^+\right)\right)$$ if J ...
PhyDuck's user avatar
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Transverse-field Ising model in the presence of a longitudinal field - ferromagnetic phase diagram

I am wondering what is the phase diagram of the transverse-field Ising model in the presence of a longitudinal field, in particular, a one-dimensional spin-1/2 chain with ferromagnetic interactions. ...
T.O.Puel's user avatar
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How to handle Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya imaginary terms in Heisenberg chain?

The DM interaction has three coordinate-specific terms when splitting it up. Two of these, the DM-x and DM-z terms, are imaginary when we transform them into series of raising and lowering operators. ...
Ravi's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between spin correlation and entanglement entropy?

Can someone explain whether there is a connection between spin correlation in say a 1D Heisenberg chain and its entanglement entropy? I'd say, albeit naively, that there is just from their concepts. ...
Ravi's user avatar
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Writing the Random Matrix model corresponding to any physical hamitonian model

I am an amateur in Random Matrix Theory (RMT). In RMT, we start with ensemble of a random matrices of a certain symmetry classes (GOE, GUE..) to find the various distribution of our interest, e.g.- ...
Schrodinger's user avatar
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How can I actually get to the AKLT state from a product state in finite depth?

I'm currently learning about symmetry-protected topological phases in one dimension. The ground state of the AKLT model provides one such example. In particular, the AKLT state for any length $L$ ...
user196574's user avatar
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How to take into account finite temperature in transverse Ising chain?

A similar question has already been asked here What I'm wondering is how to take into account finite temperature in the transverse Ising chain and see how that affects the magnetization. The reason ...
Mathew's user avatar
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How do boundary conditions change during a spin transformation?

I am currently reading the following review paper: (1) Two Dimensional Model as a Soluble Problem for Many Fermions by Schultz et. al. Equation (3.2), which is reproduced below, introduces the Jordan-...
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Jordan-Wigner Transformations on fermionic system

I've been trying to use Jordan-Wigner Transformations on a given fermionic Hamiltonian. The given Hamiltonian is: $$ \hat{H}= -\sum_{m=1}^{N}(J_z \hat{S}_{m}^{z} \hat{S}_{m+1}^{z} + \frac{J_{\perp}}{2}...
hpSauce_'s user avatar
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Parity of XYZ model ground state

I am considering the XYZ Hamiltonian (with PBC) $$\widehat{H}_{\mathrm{XYZ}}=\sum_{i=1}^{N} \left(\hat{\sigma}_{i}^{x} \hat{\sigma}_{i+1}^{x}+J_{y}\hat{\sigma}_{i}^{y} \hat{\sigma}_{i+1}^{y}+J_{z}\hat{...
Antonio Anna Mele's user avatar
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Writing down a Hamiltonian that couples spin and phonons

I am studying spin dynamics and am trying to write down a Hamiltonian that couples the spins with the phonons. I have the following interacting spin Hamiltonian $$H_{s}=\sum h_{i}S_{i}+H_{\text{...
alpha_prime's user avatar
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Time evolution of spin with Anti-symmetric (Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya) interaction

I am trying to simulate the time evolution of a spin in spin chain interacting via Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction. The Hamiltonian is of the form $$H_{A}=J_{A}\sum_{i}(S^{x}_{i}S_{i+1}^{y}-S^{x}_{i+...
alpha_prime's user avatar
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Heisenberg equation of motion and continuum limit

Given the quite simple Hamiltonian $$\hat{\mathcal{H}}=\sum_n\big(\hat{S}_n^+\hat{S}^-_{n+1}+\hat{S}_n^-\hat{S}^+_{n+1}\big)$$ on a 1D spin chain, it basically interchanges two spins lying next to ...
Caesar.tcl's user avatar
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Commutator of Hamiltonian and the spin sum

For a 1-D Heisenberg quantum spin chain the Hamiltonian is given by: $$H=-\sum_{j=0}^{N-1} J_{i,i+1}\boldsymbol{\sigma}_j^i \cdot\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{j+1}^i -\sum_{j=0}^{N}h_j\sigma_j^z$$ where $\...
abc's user avatar
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Jordan-Wigner transformation for lattice models without $U(1)$ symmetry

The Jordan-Wigner transformation is a powerful approach to studying one-dimensional spin models. The following dictionary between spin operators and creation/annihilation operators for fermions allows ...
miggle's user avatar
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Why is $\sum_{i=0}^N S_i^z S_{i+1}^z |\uparrow ... \downarrow_n ... \uparrow \rangle = \frac{1}{4}(N-4)$?

I am following these ( lecture notes and I can't understand why given the following XXX Heisenberg hamiltonian $$ \mathcal{H}=\frac{J N}{4}-J \sum_{...
FriendlyLagrangian's user avatar
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Antiferromagnetic chain from Altland/Simons book (p.81)

In Condensed Matter Field Theory (2nd edition) by Altland/Simons there considered antiferromagnetic chain with Hamiltonian: $$H = J\sum_{<n,m>} S_nS_m = J\sum_{<n,m>}[S^{z}_n S^{z}_m + \...
Phys Dag's user avatar
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Is there any study about using DMRG to simulate two spin chains coupled at only several sites on each chain?

Is there any study about the DMRG simulation of such kind of systems? or Each blue site is a spin, for example. Only one or several spins on each chain are coupled.
Frank's user avatar
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Valence Bond Solid order paramter

I'm confused about the valence bond solid (VBS) in condensed matter literature. The idea is a lattice is covered by spin singlets and thus spin rotational invariant. It seems that it's commonly ...
Histoscienology's user avatar
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Ground state magnetization of the Heisenberg XXZ chain

The Hamiltonian of the Heisenberg XXZ chain (without external field) has the form $$ H = -J \sum_{n=1}^{N}\left(S_n^xS_{n+1}^x+ S_n^yS_{n+1}^y + \Delta S_n^zS_{n+1}^z\right). $$ It is known that this ...
jackie_gamma's user avatar
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Invariants of spin chains

I consider modelling a particular physical phenomenon using a spin chain (Ising, XYZ, Potts, etc.). Once I establish the mapping from experimental data to the states of spins for, I get the values $\{...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Anisotropy in spin chain hamiltonian

The Hamiltonian of XY Spin Chain on a lattice of N sites can be written as $$ H = -J\sum_{i=1}^N \left(\frac{1+\gamma}{2}\sigma_i^x\sigma_{i+1}^x + \frac{1-\gamma}{2}\sigma_i^y\sigma_{i+1}^y + \lambda ...
Mahesh Anigol's user avatar
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Lagrangian formulation of classical spin chains

Is there a way to construct a Lagrangian formulation of the classical dynamics of a spin chain - say a Heisenberg or XY chain? The Hamiltonians here are obvious.
symanzik138's user avatar
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Kagome Lattice: Spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian in tight-binding models

Consider spin-orbit coupling (of strength $\lambda_1$) on lattice, with the below Hamiltonian $$H = i \lambda_1 \sum_{<ij>} ~\frac{E_{ij} \times R_{ij}}{|E_{ij} \times R_{ij}|} \cdot \sigma ~...
Nigel1's user avatar
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Existence of the Schwinger boson creation operator

Schwinger boson transformation is widely used in spin systems. It represents three Pauli matrices in the following form $$ s^+=\frac{1}{2}\sigma^+ = a^\dagger b \, , $$ $$ s^-=\frac{1}{2}\sigma^- = b^\...
haoshu li's user avatar
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Generalised Ising models?

Are there generalised Ising models: The underslying mesh/connectivity is completely arbitrary - non rectangular, 3D...ND, complete connectivity should be possible The interaction potential is ...
TomR's user avatar
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Where to find a Path Integral treatment of 1D Quantum Heisenberg model or Quantum Spin Chain?

All: Where to find a Path Integral treatment of 1D Quantum Heisenberg model or Quantum Spin Chain? I would like to find a detailed calculation of path amplitude in such situation. I did some google ...
2 votes
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Different concepts of phase transitions in spin models

I am currently revising the lecture notes in which different spin systems are analyzed, focussing on the occurrence (or absence) of phase transitions. Different techniques are applied to analyze the ...
Equi's user avatar
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Troubles with Haldane Shastry Spin Chain

I'm reading the article "Exact solution of an S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain with long-ranged interactions", which shows how to solve the problem of a long range-inverse squared ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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Bose-Einstein distribution and magnons

I have some doubt about the Bose-Einstein distribution for magnons/spin-waves. A one-dimensional ferromagnet placed in an external magnetic field $\mathbf{B} = B\, \hat{z}$ obeys the Hamiltonian $$H ...
MOOSE's user avatar
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One-dimensional $SU(3)$ Heisenberg Model, the non-linear sigma model, $\theta$-term

Let's consider a one dimensional $SU(N)$ antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model with an irreducible representation and its conjugate on alternating sites, such that they correspond to a Young tableaux ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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How to find groundstate energy of a simple Hamiltonian at $N/L$-filling using Jordan-Wigner (JW) transformation?

$\underline{\textbf{Model:}}$ Let we have the $t-V$ model for spinless fermions on a 1D lattice, which is defined in second quantization operators as follows: $$H_1 = -t\sum_i \big(c_i^\dagger c_{i+...
Luqman Saleem's user avatar
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Average entropy of a subsystem

In this paper by Don Page,, He conjectures average entropy of a substem of dimension m with Hilbert space dimension mn, $m \leq n$. to be : $ S_{mn} = \sum_{n+...
creatorac's user avatar
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Discrepancy regarding Husimi Probability distribution calculation

I am trying to simulate a system of j qubits and for visualization of the dynamics considering the Husimi distribution of the state. To carry out the projection onto coherent states I have proceeded ...
Sudheesh's user avatar
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Integrability of generalized Richardson-Hubbard model

Recently I got a bit interested in the possibility of finding spectrum of few interesting class of lattice quantum mechanical hamiltonians like Richardson's pairing hamiltonian, 1D Hubbard hamiltonian,...
Sunyam's user avatar
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Reduced density matrix of the edge spin-1/2 in AKLT spin chain

I am trying to understand the paper titled, "Entanglement in a Valence-Bond-Solid State" by Fan, Korepin, and Roychowdhury ( I was able to understand the ...
crimson's user avatar
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About spin chain string order

We know that the string order of a spin chain is defined as $$\mathcal{O}^\alpha=\lim_{i-j\to\infty}\left\langle S_i^\alpha\prod_{k=i+1}^{j-1}\exp(i\pi S_k^\alpha)\ S_j^\alpha \right\rangle$$ now ...
RoderickLee's user avatar
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Can we have a spin glass in the one-dimensional Heisenberg hamiltonian with nearest neighbours only?

Consider the one dimensional Heisenberg Hamiltonian of the form \begin{equation} H = - \sum_{<i,j>} J_{ij} \mathbf{S}_i \cdot \mathbf{S}_j \end{equation} with nearest neighbour interactions. ...
MOOSE's user avatar
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