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Exact ground state degeneracy for quantum spin system with non commuting terms and its quantum phase transition?

Let's say I have a 2D quantum spin model of N spin-1/2 particles, with two terms: $$ H = -J \sum_N \prod_{i \in G} \sigma^x_i - h \sum_N \prod_{i \in G'} \sigma^z_i $$ The first is a collection of ...
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Jordan-Wigner transformation for lattice models without $U(1)$ symmetry

The Jordan-Wigner transformation is a powerful approach to studying one-dimensional spin models. The following dictionary between spin operators and creation/annihilation operators for fermions allows ...
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Kagome Lattice: Spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian in tight-binding models

Consider spin-orbit coupling (of strength $\lambda_1$) on lattice, with the below Hamiltonian $$H = i \lambda_1 \sum_{<ij>} ~\frac{E_{ij} \times R_{ij}}{|E_{ij} \times R_{ij}|} \cdot \sigma ~...
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How to find groundstate energy of a simple Hamiltonian at $N/L$-filling using Jordan-Wigner (JW) transformation?

$\underline{\textbf{Model:}}$ Let we have the $t-V$ model for spinless fermions on a 1D lattice, which is defined in second quantization operators as follows: $$H_1 = -t\sum_i \big(c_i^\dagger c_{i+...
Luqman Saleem's user avatar
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References or resource recommendation for mapping of 1D spinless Hubbard model into XXZ Heisenberg model

I read from somewhere that 1D spinless Hubbard model can be mapped onto XXZ Heisenberg model but I don't remember from where did I read this sentence. I tried googling it but couldn't find any thing ...
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