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SU(3) adjoint representation's invariant tensors

Considering a complex scalar field $\varphi^a$ that transform in the adjoint representation (8) of SU(3). A quartic interaction term SU(3) invariant is $$\lambda C^{abcd}\varphi^{\dagger a} \varphi^...
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Non-singlet and singlet flavor combination [duplicate]

In the perturbative QCD, specific partonic distribution functions (pdf) linear combination is called "flavor singlet" or "flavor nonsinglet" combination. What is the combination, and why are they ...
Quantization's user avatar
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A Question about a $U(1)_{B-L}$

I know I can write the QCD lagrangian like this: $$ \mathcal{L} = (i\bar{q}_{R} \gamma_{\mu}\partial_{\mu} {q}_{R} + i\bar{q}_{L}\gamma_{\mu}\partial_{\mu} {q}_{L}) + \text{other terms} $$ When ...
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How many glueballs are there?

As I understand there are eight types of gluons (linear combinations of color/anticolor pairs with varying amplitudes) which can combine (for very short periods) to form glueballs. If there were no ...
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Why do we say that gluons carry color charge?

We know that gluons are Lie algebra $su(3)$-valued one-form fiels $A_{\mu}$. And because of $[A_\mu,A_\nu]$ does not vanish generally for the non-Abelian case, gluons have self-interactions. Now how ...
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The anticommutator of $SU(N)$ generators

For the Hermitian and traceless generators $T^A$ of the fundamental representation of the $SU(N)$ algebra the anticommutator can be written as $$ \{T^A,T^{B}\} = \frac{1}{d}\delta^{AB}\cdot1\!\!1_{d} +...
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QCD Color Structure relation [closed]

i want to proof the following relation : \begin{equation} t^a t^b \otimes t^a t^b = \frac{2}{N_C} \delta^{ab} \mathbb{1} \otimes \mathbb{1} - \frac{1}{N_C} t^a \otimes t^a \end{equation} Right now I ...
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Different ways of derivation of Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula

Recently my teacher told me that there are many ways of deriving the Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula by using group representation theory (by using dynamical group etc). Where can I read about these ways?...
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Measure of interaction of two quarks and Casimir operators [closed]

Let's have two quarks, which refers to representations of $r_{1}$ and $r_{2}$ of color symmetry group. They create bounded state which refers to the representation $r$. There is a statement that ...
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Uncharged Gluon Representation

I'm currently learning for an exam and in an old exam the question was posed: If Gluons were uncharged, under which representation would they transform? The ...
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Group theoretical reason that Gluons carry color-charge and anti-colorcharge

I was wondering how it is possible to see from the $SU(3)$ Gauge Theory alone that Gluons carry two charges colors: $g\overline{b}$ etc. Some background: The W-Bosons (pre-symmetry breaking) form an ...
jak's user avatar
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From $U(3)$ to $SU(3)\times U(1)$ Color symmetry. There is a "gluon" photon-like?

Suppose that $U(3)$ was the gauge group. We can decompose this as $U(3)=U(1)\times SU(3)$, which implies that in addition to the $SU(3)$ that has eight generators corresponding to eight gluons, there ...
IamZack's user avatar
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Why $SU(3)$ and not $U(3)$?

Is there a good reason not to pick $U(3)$ as the colour group? Is there any experiment or intrinsic reason that would ruled out $U(3)$ as colour group instead?
IamZack's user avatar
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Reasons for choosing $SU(3)$ as the color group vs. $SO(4)$

What are the reasons that $SU(3)$ is used for QCD? Why wouldn't the simpler & smaller group $SO(4)$ make a better candidate?
NoEscape's user avatar
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Why is $SU(3)$ chosen as the gauge group in QCD?

Why is $SU(3)$ chosen as the gauge group. Why not $U(3)$? Why does it even have to be unitary?
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