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Can we get quasiprobability distributions other than $P,Q,W$ from generalised characteristic functions?

It's a standard result that the three well-known quasiprobability distributions can all be expressed in terms of the "$s$-ordered characteristic functions" as $$ W(\alpha) = \int\frac{d^2\...
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Unitary evolution of composite system in phase space

Given a quantum state $\rho$ in a Hilbert space $\mathcal H_S$, we can always write it in terms of the displacement operator $D_\alpha$ using the characteristic function $\chi_\rho(\alpha)=\text{Tr}[\...
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The Lorentz-non-covariance of the Wigner Function

What does the fact that the Wigner function is not Lorentz-covariant imply? My analysis so far led me to the (probably naive) understanding that there really is nothing special about it, just that it ...
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Fourier Transform of $s$-ordered Characteristic Function

In the book, "Quantum Continuous Variables (A Primer of Theoretical Methods)" by Alessio Serafini, on page 70, he defines an $s$-ordered characteristic function to be: $$ \chi_s(\alpha)=\...
Pratham Hullamballi's user avatar
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What is the Weyl transform of narrow Gaussians and/or the Dirac delta?

Consider the family of Gaussians in $q$, $p$ with decreasing widths $σ$ $$Φ_σ(q,p) = \frac{2}{π σ^2} e^{-\frac{2}{σ^2}(q^2+p^2)}$$ or in complex plane coordinates $$\tilde Φ_σ(α) = \frac{1}{π σ^2} e^{-...
The Vee's user avatar
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What is the most general wave function of a minimum uncertainty (Gaussian) state in quantum mechanics?

For some state $|\psi\rangle$ it is possible to recover the uncertainty principle using the fact that $$\left|(\hat{\sigma_{Q}}-i\lambda\hat{\sigma_{P}})|\psi\rangle\right|^{2}\geq0,$$where$$\hat{\...
Adrien Amour's user avatar
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Husimi $Q$-function of Infinite Square well

Eigen-Wavefunction of infinite square well is $$\psi(x)=\sqrt{2/l}\sin(n\pi x/l).$$ I want to write Husimi $Q$ function for infinite square well. General expression of Q function is $$Q=(1/2)\pi \...
Tooba's user avatar
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How can the Wigner function of squeezed states be non-negative?

It is always said that when the Wigner function of quantum states takes a negative value, then it is a clear signature of non-classicality of this particular state. It is also well-known that the ...
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What does it mean for $P$ functions to be "more singular than a delta"?

Consider the Glauber-Sudarshan $P$ representation of a state $\rho$, which is the function $\mathbb C\ni\alpha\mapsto P_\rho(\alpha)\in\mathbb R$ such that $$\rho = \int d^2\alpha \, P_\rho(\alpha) |\...
glS's user avatar
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Understanding derivation of Wigner function for the Harmonic oscillator

In the document, they derive the Wigner functions, $f_n$ for the harmonic oscillator. However, I have some problems understanding some of the steps. On page 37 ...
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Prove that $f_\psi(x,p)$ is the Wigner Function of a pure state iff $H\star f_\psi= E f_\psi$

Given a pure state $|\psi\rangle$ with position wavefunction $x\mapsto\psi(x)$, define its Wigner function as $$f_\psi(x,p) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int dy e^{-iyp} \psi(x+y/2)\psi^*(x-y/2) \equiv \frac{1}{2\...
glS's user avatar
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How does the Weyl transform take into account which quasiprobability distribution was used?

I'm trying to get a better understanding of the Weyl correspondence which, as described e.g. on Wikipedia, gives "an invertible mapping between functions in the quantum phase space formulation ...
glS's user avatar
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Why does the star product satisfy the "Bopp Shift relations": $f(x,p)\star g(x,p)=f(x+\frac{i}{2}\partial_p,p-\frac{i}{2}\partial_x) g(x,p)$?

In (Curtright, Fairlie, Zachos 2014), the authors mention (Eq. (14) in this online version) the following relation, known as "Bopp shifts": $$f(x,p)\star g(x,p)=f\left(x+\frac{i}{2}\...
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What are the Fock-state probabilities of general Gaussian states?

A general (pure) Gaussian state has the form $\newcommand{\on}[1]{\operatorname{#1}}\newcommand{\ket}[1]{\lvert #1\rangle}\ket{\alpha,\xi}\equiv D(\alpha)S(\xi)\ket{\on{vac}}$, with $\ket{\on{vac}}$ ...
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$P$ representation of a general Gaussian state

Let $\rho$ be the density operator of a Gaussian quantum state on $M$ modes. This implies that its Wigner function can be written as $$ W_{\text{Gaussian}}\left(\boldsymbol{q},\boldsymbol{p}\right)=\...
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