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How to compute the resistance of a nonuniform cylinder with varying resistivity?

The generally quoted formula foe resistance is \begin{equation} R = \rho \ell/A \end{equation} some special cases are easy to solve. For example the case where the current flowing along the z-axis and ...
wander95's user avatar
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What does it mean by "physical field"?

I'm attempting a question about the Stern-Gerlach experiment where an electron is used with an assumed up-spin state in a non-uniform magnetic field. It asks us to talk about the dynamics of this ...
kieran's user avatar
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EMF generation by rotating rod without magnetic field [closed]

what is the EMF generated by a conducting rotating rod of mass $m$ and length $l$ in free space without magnetic field. the rod is roating with angular speed $w$? also find the current if the rod has ...
Konakalla Prajith reddy's user avatar
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How to find the capacitance between two metal sheets [closed]

Let’s say I have two metal sheets in a 2D plane. The first one has area A, the second one is infinitely long, and they are separated from each other by a distance d. How can I find the capacitance ...
user392279's user avatar
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Electromagnetism [closed]

A positively charged particle travels horizontally northward and enters a region where a field may exist. This region may contain only a magnetic field, only an electric field, or both a magnetic ...
Quicksilver BL3DE's user avatar
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Derivation of propagator for Proca action in QFT book by A.Zee

Without considering gauge invariance, A.Zee derives Green function of electromagnetic field in his famous book, Quantum Field Theory in Nutshell. In chapter I.5, the Proca action would be, $$S(A) = \...
Ting-Kai Hsu's user avatar
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Where does the $\eta^{\mu\nu}$ come from? (Maxwell Lagrangian, QFT) [duplicate]

From the Lagrangian in Maxwell theory $$L = -\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{\mu} A_{\nu})(\partial^{\mu} A^{\nu}) + \frac{1}{2}(\partial_{\mu}A^{\mu})^2 - A_{\mu}J^{\mu}$$ I have to calculate $\frac{\partial L}...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Deriving continuity equation from 4-current of a charged particle

how can i check that following 4-current for a single charged particle $$j^{\mu}(x)=qc\int d\tau u^{\mu}(\tau)\delta^{4}(x-r(\tau))$$ satisfies continuity equation $$\partial_\mu j^\mu = 0.$$
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Dummy index question

The Maxwell's Lagrangian density is given by the equation, $$\mathcal L = -\frac{1}{4} \space F_{\mu\nu} \space F^{\mu\nu},$$ where $F^{\mu\nu} = \partial^\mu A^\nu - \partial^\nu A^\mu$. Hence, one ...
King Meruem's user avatar
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Canonical electromagnetic stress-energy-momentum tensor

I have canonical electromagnetic stress-energy-momentum tensor defined as: $T_{\mu\nu}=\frac{1}{4}\eta^{\mu\nu}F_{\alpha\beta}F^{\alpha\beta}-F^{\mu\lambda}F^{\nu}_{\,\,\lambda}-F^{\mu\lambda}\...
Lilla_mu's user avatar
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Relativistic equations of motion in uniform electric field through matrix exponentiation

For my undergraduate studies, I was faced with the problem of finding the equations of motion for a particle subject to a uniform electric field, in the relativistic case. I would like to follow the ...
tsch_'s user avatar
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Where is this circular loop attracted? [closed]

A circular loop carrying current "I" in anti-clockwise direction is placed between two straight and parallel wires each carrying current I. Ignoring the force of the straight wires on each ...
Sahaj's user avatar
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'Thin' conducting plate ambiguity

The situation at hand: We have an infinite, thin conducting, grounded ($V=0$) plate at $z=0$. Point charge (with charge +$Q$), at $z = a$. How exactly are the charges distributed? I used the method ...
Mathematics 22C's user avatar
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Dot product of the electric and magnetic field as the contraction of the electromagnetic tensor and its dual

I've see in some examples, e.g. here, that $$-4i\vec{E}\cdot \vec{B}=\tilde{F}_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}$$ How would you show such a relation? By inserting terms by terms inside this equation I've seen it is ...
Salmon's user avatar
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What property of light allows it to propagate in space? [closed]

I got this question in a university entrance exam; I'm not sure what could've been the answer. I've scoured the web and could hardly find a decent answer. The question and choices were: What property ...
Sohaib Mubashir's user avatar
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Potential of an alternating electric field in a capacitor

My question comes from a problem of electrodynamics where there's a relativistic particle with a given 4-momentum ($p^\mu=(\varepsilon,\vec{p})$) which enters a capacitor with an alternating electric ...
Sohan Navarro Costa's user avatar
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What would be the Joule requirement to a railgun launch a conventional bullet at mach 7?

The railgun project from the US Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division shoots a projectile of 3.2kg at a speed of mach 7 with 18.4 megajoules of energy. How many joules would a railgun need to ...
Fulano's user avatar
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Primary constraint of electrodynamics

I have some problems understanding the transition from the Lagrangian to Hamiltonian formalism of electrodynamics. I will use the metric $(-+++)$. I want to start from the Lagrangian which is ...
Pietro Scapolo's user avatar
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Magnetic Scalar Potential of Infinite Wire

While working on a question about magnetic scalar potential, I encountered a challenge. The question posits that the magnetic scalar potential, denoted as $\phi$, takes the form $\phi = -\frac{I}{2\pi}...
KingWangZZang's user avatar
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The origin of energy density formulas in Maxwell's electromagnetism

I am looking at the derivation of Poynting theory in Electrical Engineering texts and they usually start by the two statement: $$W_e = \int_V\frac{1}{2}(\vec{E}.\vec{D})\,\,dv$$ $$W_m = \int_V\frac{1}{...
Mohammad Ali's user avatar
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Detailed derivation of the energy-momentum tensor from the Maxwell Lagrangian [duplicate]

I have started studying QFT, and I am currently reviewing briefly on the classical field theory. I have come across the Maxwell Lagrangian given by $$ \mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}. $$ ...
Anant Badal's user avatar
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Non-standard circuit

I partially solved this problem. Problem: A charged sphere of radius $a$ is connected through a resistance $R$ to the earth. An electronic flow breaks out towards the sphere of infinity at speed $v$ ...
William Carreras's user avatar
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Momentum conservation in charged particles scattering

I'm studying a problem involving the scattering of two charged particles, A and B, with a mass ratio of 1:4 and identical charges. The particles move towards each other with equal and opposite ...
cconsta1's user avatar
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Finding the vector potential

$$\nabla\times\mathbf{B}=\nabla\times\left(\nabla\times\mathbf{A}\right)=\nabla\left(\nabla\cdot\mathbf{A}\right)-\nabla^2\mathbf{A}=\mu_0\mathbf{J}\tag{5.62}$$ Whenever I try to work this out and ...
Phoooebe's user avatar
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Why can the current in this region be represented as this formula?$I_{in}=I-I\frac{r^2-b^2}{c^2-b^2}$ [closed]

An air coaxial transmission line has a solid inner conductor of radius a and an outer conductor of inner radius b and outer radius c. Find $\vec B$ as a functions of radial distance r. The region in $...
user16266657's user avatar
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Derivation of the ring charge from a disk charge with a hole

I am doing a problem in which I am given a uniformly charged disk, charge density $\sigma$, with radius $b$ and a concentric hole of radius $a$ in the $xy$ plane. A part of the problem I would have to ...
turo awei's user avatar
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Two balls are dropped from the same height. Ball A is metallic and B, made up of an insulating material. Which of them touches ground first? [closed]

General motion under gravity states that both of them reach the ground simultaneously. But here, ball B reaches first. I searched for the solution but couldn't find any. Does it have anything to do ...
Satwik's user avatar
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How does the Lagrangian work with a magnetic field?

I was told the following Lagrangian is for a charged particle with spin moving in a constant magnetic field: $$ L = \frac{\left ( \vec p \right ) ^2}{2m} + \vec \mu \cdot \vec B$$ Let's just say $B$ ...
Aggle's user avatar
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Should a wire loop moving through a constant rectangular magnetic field directed perpendicular to it's motion have zero induced current in the middle?

Suppose we have a loop of copper wire moving perpendicularly through a constant finite rectangular magnetic field directed into the screen . When the loop enters the field, the induced current would ...
H.K.B.'s user avatar
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Does an emf in an aeroplane's wings result in a current? [closed]

In part (b) of this question, they have stated that the current that flows through the aeroplane is 0.00 A. When you use the value for emf from part (a) and the resistance, you can calculate that I = ...
cabbagesss's user avatar

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