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Questions tagged [definition]

The definition tag is used in situations where the question is either about how some term or concept is defined or where the validity of an answer depends on a subtle definition of some term or concept used in the question.

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Precise Definition of Degrees of Freedom [duplicate]

I am taking Analytical Mechanics and while reading Goldstein's and LL something bothered me: can I say that a degree of freedom is an independent (generalized) coordinate? What bothers me is that we ...
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Defining Nuclear Reaction and Beta Decay

I use a school textbook that defines nuclear reaction in the following way. I will go through what does make sense to me, and then point out the thorns. "When an atom changes into a different ...
HBP's user avatar
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Why is entropy defined in the way it is?

In thermodynamics course we were taught that in a reversible adiabatic process of an ideal gas the entropy change is zero. Now what I didn't get intuitively is that if the system is compressed ...
Ankit's user avatar
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Is there a formalization of the butterfly effect?

According to my understanding, the butterfly effect says, very informally, that even a tiny perturbation in a physical system can lead to significant alterations in future states of the physical ...
user107952's user avatar
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What are relativistic particles? [duplicate]

What are relativistic particles? I got it in a question of mechanics. So, what is it about a particle that makes it "relativistic"?
Nishkarsh Singh's user avatar
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Can the composition law of a group be defined only when considering a representation or realisation of the Group?

When we talk about, lets say, the Lorentz group, we define the action of the Lorentz transformation $\varLambda$ on \begin{alignat}{1} x^{\mu} & \in\mathbb{R}^{1,3},\\ x^{\mu} & \rightarrow x'^...
HypnoticZebra's user avatar
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In what sense is $\int (u \cdot \nabla) u \cdot u dx$ an energy flux?

Due to the nature of this question I have have cross-listed it on mathSE. Let $u$ be either a solution to either the Euler equations or Navier-Stokes equations over a domain $\Omega$. In fluid ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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What is the name of the transformation from one harmonic oscillator basis to another centered elsewhere?

If I have a harmonic oscillator basis centered at $x=2$, how do I rewrite it in terms of the harmonic oscillator basis centered at $x=0$? To be more specific: If $|\Psi_n\rangle$ is the $n$th ...
Idieh's user avatar
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The definition on vacuum-vacuum amplitude with current in chapter of External Field Method of Weinberg's QFT

I'm reading Vol. 2 of Weinberg's QFT. As what I learnt from both P&S and Weinberg, the generating function is defined as $$ Z[J] = \int \mathcal{D}\phi \exp(iS_{\text{F}}[\phi] + i\int d^4x\phi(x) ...
LaplaceSpell's user avatar
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Why isn't work a state function?

I've heard the example, that work is path dependent. But whether I climb a mountain directly or in serpentines, in the end it's the same amount of work, with the one difference that it takes me longer ...
iwab's user avatar
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Equivalent definitions of Wick ordering

Let $\phi$ denote a field consisting of creation and annihilation operators. In physics, the Wick ordering of $\phi$, denoted $:\phi:$, is defined so that all creation are to the left of all ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Why is Wigner-Seitz cell considered primitive?

During the lecture I listened, as well as in the internet, in Wikipedia for example, unit cell was defined as the parallelepiped spanned by the translation vectors. Primitive cell was defined as the ...
Максим Неважно's user avatar
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Kinetic Energy equation: Is $K=\frac12mv^2$ a Definition, or a derived Theorem?

I am trying to understand classical physics as a mathematical model. I will first specify the trail of thoughts that led up to this question. (Please correct me if anything is wrong with the reasoning ...
jkuk5046's user avatar
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Is there any difference between Wick time order and Dyson time order?

Reading A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body Problem by R. Mattuck, I am getting the feeling that I missed something subtle related to time order. When deriving the Dyson series for the ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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Mathematical meaning of a position eigenbra $\langle x_0 |$

Let $|x_0\rangle$ be an position eigenket. The physical picture I have for $|x_0\rangle$ is a particle located at $x_0$. Thus it should be represented by a delta function $\delta(x-x_0)$. For $f\in L^...
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