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Meaning of $d\mathcal{L}=-H$ in analytical mechanics?

In Lagrangian mechanics the momentum is defined as: $$p=\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot q}$$ Also we can define it as: $$p=\frac{\partial S}{\partial q}$$ where $S$ is Hamilton's principal ...
User198's user avatar
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Generalized momentum

I am studying Hamiltonian Mechanics and I was questioning about some laws of conservation: in an isolate system, the Lagrangian $\mathcal{L}=\mathcal{L}(q,\dot q)$ is a function of the generalized ...
user1255055's user avatar
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Changing variables from $\dot{q}$ to $p$ in Lagrangian instead of Legendre Transformation

This question is motivated by a perceived incompleteness in the responses to this question, which asks why we can't just substitute $\dot{q}(p)$ into $L(q,\dot{q})$ to convert it to $L(q,p)$, which ...
user1247's user avatar
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Landau/Lifshitz action as a function of coordinates [duplicate]

In Landau/Lifshitz' "Mechanics", $\S43$, 3ed, the authors consider the action of a mechanical system as a function of its final time $t$ and its final position $q$. They consider paths ...
CW279's user avatar
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Definition of generalized momenta in analytical mechanics

I've seen mainly two definitions of generalized momenta, $p_k$, and I wasn't sure which one is always true/ the correct one: $$p_k\equiv\dfrac{\partial\mathcal T}{\partial \dot q_k}\text{ and }p_k\...
Conreu's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for conservation of conjugate momentum

Is the following statement true? If $\frac{\partial \dot{q}}{\partial q}=0$, then the conjugate momentum $p_q$ is conserved. We know that conjugate momentum of $q$ is conserved if $\frac{\partial L}{\...
Rainbow's user avatar
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Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics: Conjugate Momentum

I am a physics undergraduate student currently taking a classical mechanics course, and I am not able to understand what conjugate/canonical momentum is (physically). It is sometimes equal to the ...
SyntaxError_10's user avatar
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Lagrange momentum for position change

After the tremendous help from @hft on my previous question, after thinking, new question popped up. I want to compare how things behave when we do: $\frac{\partial S}{\partial t_2}$ and $\frac{\...
Giorgi's user avatar
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Momentum $p = \nabla S$

My book mentions the following equation: $$p = \nabla S\tag{1.2}$$ where $S$ is the action integral, nabla operator is gradient, $p$ is momentum. After discussing it with @hft, on here, it turns out ...
Giorgi's user avatar
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What are the extra terms in the generalized momentum regarding the Lagrangian formalism?

In the lectures, we have defined the generalized momentum in the Lagrangian to be: $$p_i=\frac{\partial L}{\partial\dot q_i}.$$ But with this definition, if we do not make any assumptions about the ...
gluon's user avatar
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In a simple case of a particle in a uniform gravitational field, do we have translation invariance or not?

Consider a system where a particle is placed in a uniform gravitational field $\vec{F} = -mg\,\vec{e}_{z}$. The dynamics of this are clearly invariant under translations. When we take $z\rightarrow z+...
Maximal Ideal's user avatar
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How to show the velocity of free motion is constant in Galileo's relativity principle?

Picture below is from Landau & Lifshitz's Mechanics. How to get the red line from green line?
Enhao Lan's user avatar
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Generalized vs conjugate momenta

For a given Lagrangian $L$, the $i$th generalized momentum is defined as $$p_i = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q_i}}$$ where $\dot{q_i}$ is the time derivative of the $i$th generalized coordinate (i....
CBBAM's user avatar
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Help with geometric view of conjugate momenta and Legendre transformation

I'm familiar with the ''coordinate view'' of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics where if $\pmb{q}=(q^1,\dots, q^n)\in\mathbb{R}^n$ are any $n$ generalized coordinates and $L(\pmb{q},\dot{\pmb{q}})$ ...
J Peterson's user avatar
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What do you think about this particularization of the Euler-Lagrange equation that resembles Newton's 2nd Law?

For: $$\mathcal{L}=\mathcal{L}(q_j,\dot{q_j},t)=T-V$$ the Euler-Lagrange equation is simply: $$\frac{d}{dt}\left(\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\mathcal{\dot{q_j}}} \right)-\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\...
agaminon's user avatar
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Help with understanding virtual displacement in Lagrangian

I know that these screen shots are not nice but I have a simple question buried in a lot of information My question Why can't we just repeat what they did with equation (7.132) to equation (7.140) ...
Reuben's user avatar
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Why is derivative of Lagrangian with respect to generalized position and velocity equal to this?

I'm currently studying Lagrangian mechanics, and in the process, I've met the following equations in a couple of proofs. $$ \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial q_i} = \dot p_i $$ $$ \frac{\partial \...
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Conjugate momentum vs translation generator with non-standard kinetic term

I am reading this paper and for equation (2.5) (associated with the Lagrangian in eq 2.1) there is the claim that for a Lagrangian $L(\varphi,A,\dot{\varphi},\dot{A})$ containing an extra non-standard ...
de-baby-Sitter's user avatar
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Axiomatising classical mechanics to arrive at the principle of stationary action - what are the fundamental definitions of momentum, etc.?

$\newcommand{\d}{\mathrm{d}}\newcommand{\l}{\mathcal{L}}$Throughout all my study of physics, it has never been clear what is a definition, what is an axiom, what is a law and what is a proof in ...
FShrike's user avatar
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Intuitive explanation on why velocity = 0 for a inverted pendulum on a wheel system

I believe I have solved below problem. I am not looking for help on problem-solving per se. I am just looking for an intuitive explanation. Problem statement: wheel mass = $m_1$, even mass rod BC mass ...
Josh Bolton's user avatar
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Geometric meaning of conjugate momentum

Let's say I have a free particle moving in an $n$-dimensional Manifold $M$. There is a tangent space $TM$ associated with all possible infinitesimal motions of a particle at each point in this ...
Bondo's user avatar
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How to derive the fact that $p\sim d/dx$ and $H\sim d/dt$ from classical mechanics?

I am trying to understand Noether's conserved quantities to shifts in time and or position. I have seen the derivation of the operators for Schrodinger's equation but not for classical mechanics. Is ...
nemui's user avatar
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Lagrangian and Friction

How does lagrangian mechanics explain loss of momentum conservation in presence of friction? My try is this: The lagrange equation would then include a generalized force term $Q_i$: $$\frac{d}{dt}\...
Lifelong Learner's user avatar
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Conjugate momentum notation

I was reading Peter Mann's Lagrangian & Hamiltonian Dynamics, and I found this equation (page 115): $$p_i := \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}^i}$$ where L is the Lagrangian. I understand this is ...
math-ingenue 's user avatar
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Gauge ivariance and canonical versus kinetic momenta for a charged particle in an EM field

I all, I am struggling to grasp the notion of gauge invariant when talking about an object like the canonical momenta $\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}_i}$ or kinetic momenta $m\dot{q}_i$. I am very ...
Lopey Tall's user avatar
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Reducing the degrees of freedom of a Lagrangian in a spherical potential by using integrals of motion [duplicate]

I'm sure I've made a silly mistake here, so I would be very grateful if someone could help me clear it up! Here is my reasoning: The Lagrangian in a spherical potential is $$ \mathcal{L}=\frac{m\...
xzd209's user avatar
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Does the conservation of $\frac{\partial L}{\partial\dot{q}_i}$ necessarily require $q_i$ to be cyclic?

If a generalized coordinate $q_i$ is cyclic, the conjugate momentum $p_i=\frac{\partial L}{\partial\dot{q}_i}$ is conserved. Is the converse also true? To state more explicitly, if a conjugate ...
Solidification's user avatar
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Difference between kinematic momentum and conjugated momentum in purely mechanical setup

I don't know much about physics, but I wanted to understand what was the difference between the "kinematic momentum" and the conjugated momentum. As I understand it, kinematic momentum is mass times ...
roi_saumon's user avatar
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Ambiguity in d'Alembert's principle

It seems to me that many different momenta $\dot{\bf p}_j $ can satisfy d'Alembert's principle: $$\tag{1} \sum_{j=1}^N ( {\bf F}_j^{(a)} - \dot{\bf p}_j ) \cdot \delta {\bf r}_j~=~0 $$ in a ...
VanD1206's user avatar
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Defining generalized momentum in terms of kinetic energy versus a Lagrangian

Reputable authors (e.g., Bergmann, Wells, Susskind) define generalized momentum using the Lagrangian $L$ as $$p_{i}\equiv\frac{\partial L}{\partial\dot{q}^{i}}.\tag{1}$$ Joos and Freeman define ...
Steven Thomas Hatton's user avatar

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