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Questions tagged [anderson-localization]

An insulated state in a non-interacting system arising from the destructive interference among multiple-scattering paths in a condensed matter system.

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Anderson localization in the continuum case

I haven't looked into Anderson localization before. A quick review of the available information gives the impression that this phenomenon has mainly been studied for the case of a discrete random ...
Gec's user avatar
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Critical disorder strength for anderson model (for a discrete system) [closed]

I have written the hopping matrix of a lattice in real space (in real space because i have disorder in the system and hence bloch theory is not valid). On-site disorder has been introduced through a ...
Zahid Malik's user avatar
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Anderson localization

Numerically how we can show that states are localized for strong disorder? If I make a 3D plot of E vs IPR vs Disorder and show that for a particular value of disorder, where the IPR is approaching 1 ...
Zahid Malik's user avatar
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How to exactly diagonalize a system with $Z_2\times Z_2$ symmetry?

I am studying the localization protected SPT phase, and try to compute the level spacing ratio of Hamiltonian, $$H=\sum_kJ_kZ_{k-1}X_kZ_{k+1}+\sum_kh_kX_{k}X_{k+1}.$$ We can check that this ...
Benjamin Jiang's user avatar
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Inverse participation ratio (IPR) literature

I am curently working with the inverse participation ratio (IPR) as a measure of localization but I can't find literature that just explains why and how exactly it relates to localization. I get the ...
1 vote
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(Anderson Localization)Time evolution of occupation number of free fermion model

I encounter a difficulty in comouting the time evolution of occupation number. I want to compute the time evolution of occupation number of Aubry-Andre model to show that there exists Anderson ...
Ricky Pang's user avatar
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Experimental detection of Anderson localization of light in 3D vs 2D

I have a question about the experimental realization of Anderson localization of light. I am a theorist, and have not worked much in optics, so please bear with me. Anderson localization of light in ...
MOOSE's user avatar
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Scale invariance beyond the critical point

Using Anderson localization as an example, I understand how scale invariance comes into play at a critical point - at a critical point, the localization length $\xi$ (the average "radius" of ...
BGreen's user avatar
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Phase transition vs. critical phenomena

Just trying to get some clarity in terminology: is phase transitions synonymous with critical phenomena? At the first glance they mean the same thing, but I am not sure whether phase transitions ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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What is the meaning or definition of 'correlation length' in the context of Anderson localization?

I was reading a paper that talks about Anderson localization. It mentions the quantity called 'correlation length' or 'localization length' but no formal definition is given as to what it actually ...
Ratul Thakur's user avatar
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Proof that the self-energy is an inverse lifetime

My question concerns the self-energy of a diagonal propagator for a single-particle lattice problem. The context is Anderson Localisation, but really it's a problem of complex analysis. I would like ...
dsfkgjn's user avatar
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Does Anderson localisation occur if the potential are equal in pairs?

Consider the Anderson model given by the Hamiltonian $H \in B(l^2( \mathbb{Z}^d)) $ defined by $H = - \Delta + V$ where the potential $V$ acts on a unit vector $ \vert x \rangle  \in l^2( \mathbb{Z}^d)...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
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What is the meaning of Thouless energy?

Wikipedia article says "a measure of the sensitivity of energy levels to a change in the boundary conditions of the system", which I don't really understand. Thouless energy is defined as $$...
highly oscillatory integrand's user avatar
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Weak localization, strong localization, and localization without a metal-insulator transition

As I begin to read literature on Anderson localization by disorder, authors are distinguishing between cases that are unfamiliar to me, namely weak localization, strong localization, and localization ...
BGreen's user avatar
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Divergences in resolvent expansion of Anderson hamiltonian

I'm reading these lecture notes on Anderson localization, and I cannot understand how the resonant regions contribute to the divergence of the resolvent expansion (sections 3.1 and 3.2). The relevant ...
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