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Questions tagged [aharonov-bohm]

The Aharonov–Bohm effect is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which an electrically charged particle is affected by a non-zero electromagnetic gauge potential despite there being a zero electromagnetic field (in the region where the particle is allowed to propagate). This coupling results in the particle's wavefunction to gain a phase factor, and hence is most noticeable in interference experiments.

14 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Aharonov-Bohm using density matrix?

On the one hand, we know that the overall phase of the wave function (of the whole system) is not a measurable quantity, but more an artifact of mathematical description — the physical states are rays ...
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Can the Aharonov-Bohm experiment also be described by conditional probablilties, like the simple double slit?

The most attractive description of the double slit experiment for me is that in Beltrametti and Cassinelli's book.$^{[1]}$ The essence of their description is the following. Beltrametti-Cassinelli ...
mma's user avatar
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Aharonov-Bohm effect in topological insulator in a square lattice

Does the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect break Time-reversal symmetry (TRS) for spinless systems in a topological square lattice? As we know that TRS protects the edge states in Topological ...
KuntalB's user avatar
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Aharanov–Bohm effect: what happens if I turn off the magnetic field?

I've recently been trying to really understand what's going on in the Aharanov–Bohm effect, and I've crystallized my questions into the following variant of the typical Aharanov–Bohm setup. Begin with ...
eepperly16's user avatar
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A missing link in the logical chain about the Aharonov-Bohm effect

The usual treatment of the Aharonov-Bohm effect (which appeared already in Aharonov and Bohm's original paper) takes two particular local solutions of the Schrödinger equation, $\psi_1$ and $\psi_2$. ...
mma's user avatar
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Single metal Seebeck effect in a ring in the presence of a magnetic field

According to the usual Seebeck effect, you can make a loop of wire with two different metals, apply a temperature difference between two opposite sites of the ring and measure a current. See picture ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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Understanding the Bound State Aharonov Bohm Effect

The bound state Arahanov Bohm Effect in most textbooks is addressed by explicitly solving the time-independent S.E. in order to solve for the energies of the system and show that they explicitly ...
jediparth's user avatar
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Local phase shift of a wavefunction

EDIT: so, the real question is, why did we need LPS invariance to be a feature of QFT in a first place?? Was that a mere reflection of the fact that properties of matter particles are not defined (i.e....
Victor Novak's user avatar
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Momentum shift after threading magnetic flux through a ring

The question in short: A translationally-invariant system living on a ring is in a state of momentum $p_0$. How does the momentum change after threading one magnetic flux quantum through the ring?...
tbt's user avatar
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Ahranov-Bohm problem for a 1D ring solenoid of radius $R_0$

In order to solve the problem above, I'm trying to write the vector potential of a 1D ring solenoid of radius $R_0$, with a magnetic field $\vec{B}=B_0 \hat{\phi}$ which is constant along the circle. ...
Antonino Roccaforte's user avatar
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Can potentials be used to transmit energy and information?

The famous Aharonov-Bohm effect displays the potential of the physical implications of different potential gauges in em theory. I saw very few experimental and theoretical investigations into this ...
Gauge's user avatar
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Aharonov-Bohm Effect and the role of phase is unclear to me

I have a problem of understanding. In QM, the phase factor of a wave function does not change the probability density. It does change the probability current density though. What is the physical ...
Nrmn's user avatar
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Phase term in Aharonov-Bohm effect

In $U(1)$ gauge, the transformation is given by $(c=1)$ $$e^{\frac{ie\int A_\mu dx_\mu}{\hbar}}$$ I know that this form comes from the phase picked up by electrons in Aharonov-Bohm effect. However, in ...
kolahalb's user avatar
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Aharonov-Bohm effect possibilities

Could Aharonov-Bohm effect, in principle, be used to transfer either power or data? Aka wireless power transfer? What limits the distance between a moving particle and the solenoid on which A-B effect ...
John Smith's user avatar