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ac15's user avatar
  • Member for 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
10 votes

Is infinity a concept or a word empty of meaning?

9 votes

What does Tarski mean when he says "variables do not posses any meaning by themselves"?

8 votes

How can a moral antirealist make moral normative claims?

6 votes

Why are pure powers of the empty set insufficient as a definition for ordinals?

5 votes

Will the use of AI reduce our capacity to think?

5 votes

Does a sentence exist if it is not written, spoken, or even thought of?

4 votes

Are all validities isomorphic or equivalent to valid proofs?

4 votes

Should truth be defined in terms of satisfiability

4 votes

Is there an overarching purpose for philosophy?

4 votes

Can the law of non-contradiction exist without the law of identity?

4 votes

Is the principle of uniformity of nature an abduction or an analogy?

3 votes

Do we need expertise to rate the chance of very low and high probability events?

3 votes

Can reasoning be modeled as a preference relation over sets of propositions?

3 votes

Is there such a thing as “science”?

3 votes

Non sequitur claims when deducing meaning from historical artifacts or texts (problem of presentism)

3 votes

Are we only justified in holding beliefs that are supported by evidence susceptible to peer review, leading to substantial intersubjective consensus?

2 votes

What are some cases in which we can use reason but not logic?

2 votes

How small can we measure space?

2 votes

Is sadistic joy in the unhappiness of another person ever justified?

2 votes

Issues with cardinality

2 votes

If the world had zero suffering, would this be evidence of God?

2 votes

Is there some sort of disconnect between the math we use and our "observed phenomena" in reality?

2 votes

I would like to learn about theory of supposition. Can you recommend any good books/video/etc about it?

2 votes

Thinkers and scientists opposed to philosophy?

2 votes

Are there these two notions of possibility distinct?

2 votes

Are quantifiers metaphysically ineluctable?

1 vote

Negating the verb and negating the subject 's property

1 vote

Does all the existence have a will to remain existing?

1 vote

Is design harder to rule out than the lack of it?

1 vote

Why is it invalid to conclude from ‘Some A is B’ and ‘One A does not differ the least bit from another’ that ‘Every A is B’?