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Questions tagged [quantifiers]

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Adapting "exotic" quantifiers to deontic-temporal logic

For me, so far, expressions like "it is to be done sometimes" vs. "it is always to be done" seem like they could well-map to "ought" and "must." At first, this ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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2 answers

Are quantifiers metaphysically ineluctable?

I am starting to realize that quantifiers are a very deep topic that I must study on their own. A simple idea of a quantifier is that it determines a quantity of some thing. If I have a collection of ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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2 answers

How are quantifiers defined in formal logic?

Are quantifiers generally taken as a primitive notion, or are there some foundations-for-mathematics systems in which they emerge from lower level notions? For example, in set theory, "functions&...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar