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For questions about ethics, a branch of philosophy dealing with morality, justice, virtue, vice, good and evil.

-1 votes
5 answers

Why are most utilitarians not eugenicists?

I'm not a utilitarian, nor am I a eugenicist, but it seems to me that a utilitarian should support the accelerated adaptation of the human genome to try to mitigate things like genetic disorders or ge …
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1 answer

How does the quasi-realist claim that the claim to moral mind-independence is a moral claim ...

As part of metaethical quasi-realism, a noncognitivist (expressivist and projectivist) position which attempts to justify the use of realist language without committing itself fully to cognitivism or …
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1 answer

Do companions in guilt arguments wrongly assign the burden of proof to the antirealist?

Proving the existence of epistemic normativity might pose issues for some arguments for antirealism, like the queerness argument, but it doesn't seem like sufficient proof. There is one ground on whic …
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0 votes

A possible counterargument for a theoretical argument in support of antinatalism

The derivation of the existence of morality usually lends itself to a deontological approach, meaning ethics is based around a rigid set of universally applicable rules from a perspective of the action …
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2 answers

Should animals be ethically considered?

I've heard lots of people say that animals just shouldn't be considered ethically, and so actions against them that they would consider morally wrong to do to humans don't matter. This doesn't make se …
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1 answer

Are instrumental norms supposed to be taken literally?

If we have an instrumental norm such as, "If one wants to be correct, one ought to conclude in alignment with the evidence," is it supposed to be taken literally? That is, does it mean "Concluding in …
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4 votes

Is Tipping Morally Justifiable?

I am not a utilitarian by any means, but I'll give this a shot. The short answer is yes, I think it would be morally justifiable under utilitarianism. I doubt that the practice of tipping is the last …
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0 answers

How do ethical intuitionists avoid relativism?

I have even noticed in myself a huge reduction in moral intuition since I got into ethics and started viewing morality analytically. …
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-1 votes
1 answer

How does utilitarianism deal with threats to others which depend on your actions?

If I was told that if I don't, for example, sit down, someone would commit an act of terrorism, would I be morally obligated to sit down under utilitarianism? On one hand, it would minimise suffering, …
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Is psychological egoism, or some other descriptive theory about some inescapable pattern of ...

Can true normative statements exist if our behaviour is determined by some uncontrollable process? If we can only act in our self-interest, is the norm 'you ought not kill' reasonable to hold someone …
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1 answer

Why would the ideal observer make moral judgements?

Ideal observer theory states that an action is morally right/wrong if a theoretical, impartial, ideal observer has a positive or negative attitude towards said action, and that moral claims express pr …
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