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Questions tagged [postmodernism]

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Does the last man hate work?

Does the last man hate work? This probably strikes the site as a facile question, but Zarathustra does seem to end with beginning his work, and the last man has lost the capacity to hate himself (that'...
andrós's user avatar
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help with understanding Deleuze's argument on "difference first, identity second"

if i'm not mistaken, deleuze says you only know about "apple" because you know apple is not an orange, is not a tea, is not justice, is not rock,... so by differentiating "apple" ...
Parsa Fakhar's user avatar
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How is art critical of life after modernity has ended?

Assuming valuable art is still being made, given it can no longer voice modernity except in a pastiche and irrelevance, in what way can it be utopian: by which I just mean capable of being read as a ...
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Why is the non-aesthetic position on art not absorbed by society?

The rejection of the "aesthetic" view on art has been around for a very long time. Off the top of my head, there's at least Heidegger's "The Origin of the Work of Art", with rather ...
Denis's user avatar
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What does Baudrillard propose to do with realization of Simulacra?

There's literally the quote on the wiki page on Simulacra and Simulation: ..The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth—it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is ...
Denis's user avatar
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I cannot find 20th-Century Philosophy: The Speculative Tradition, by Peter Koestenbaum. Where should I look for it?

The paperback series Readings in the History of Philosophy is an 8 volume series about Western philosophy, from the Presocratics to the twentieth century. The Volumes and their Editors are: Greek ...
Arz's user avatar
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So how does deconstruction actually impact the modernity of science?

Is deconstructive reading essentially a meta reading of a passage? But how does this play out with science? Some scientist can put out a theory and some one can say these are the reasons he said xyz. ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
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How did Baudrillard justify the existence of a "fundamental" reality?

The postmodern semiotic concept of hyperreality was contentiously coined by Baudrillard in Simulacra and Simulation. Baudrillard defined "hyperreality" as "the generation by models of a ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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What is the difference between operatic, operative, and operational from Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation?

The following is the conclusion from the chapter Simulacra and Science Fiction. I did not understand it, and such a specific categorization seemed unusual to me. I was hoping someone might be able to ...
Xeon's user avatar
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What were Jacques Derrida's most important ideas?

I've been studying Sociology for a few years, and am coming up on modern theory: post-structuralism, deconstruction etc. I've read a bit of it, but the ideas often seem somewhat removed from everyday ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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How does post modernism relate to post structuralism?

Going through the wikis of both, I get a similar feeling from both of them, but I can't put in words exactly how they are related. Here are simple introductions from wiki: Postmodernism is an ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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Non propositional grand narratives and postmodernism?

So I understand the post modernism pushed back against grand narratives. Can postmodernism attack grand narratives which do not structure themselves with propositions? Or is it just more difficult?
More Anonymous's user avatar
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Should the phrase "postmodern era" be avoided?

This answer ( to a question on Graphic Design contains the phrase "postmodern era". I guessed that it meant "postmodernist era" and ...
Matthew Christopher Bartsh's user avatar
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Are French postmodernism, Critical Theory and their heirs related to idealism?

Are French postmodernism (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, etc.), and Critical Theory (Adorno, Marcuse, etc.), and their heirs such as gender and postcolonial studies (Butler, Saïd) related to idealism? ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Are French postmodernism, American Critical Theory and their heirs collectivist theories?

Is it correct to affirm that French postmodernism (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, etc.), and American Critical Theory (Adorno, Marcuse, etc.), and their heirs such as gender and postcolonial studies (...
Starckman's user avatar
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Postmodernism and Reason

The French postmodernists of the 1960’s, seeking emancipation, questioned Reason. What did they propose in place of reason, in their quest of emancipation? I mean, romanticists proposed emotion and ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Postmodernism and Great Britain Enlightenment

Postmodernism is "critical" of the Enlightenment project. Here I define postmodernism as an intellectual movement which questions the legacy of the European Enlightenment philosophy and ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Postmodernism and science/technology

Postmodernism is anti-reason and anti-modernity. Is postmodernism also against the philosophy of naturalism, against the natural sciences and against technology? Here I define postmodernism as an ...
Starckman's user avatar
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What is Anti-humanism?

I tried to do my own research on it but I'm not very much cleared about it. Please explain it to me in simple language. this term is being used by Post-structuralism and postmodernists.
Schnoz's user avatar
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Dialectics and postmodernism as competing attacks on liberalism

I recently posted an inquiry over the attitude of Hegelian and Marxist dialectics toward Enlightenment liberalism. A comment mentioned postmodernism as an example of a tradition more plainly ...
brainchild's user avatar
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Does Critical Theories (CRT, Queer Studies etc.) come from the Frankfurt school or post-modernism?

I know post colonial studies which is a critical theory began with Orientalism which uses Foucault's concept of discourse. But also Frankfurt School is widely credited with finding critical theory ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What is the difference between Modernism and Modernity?

Modernity began during the Renaissance, and was basically the dominance of humanism or human exceptionalism. But a lot of things that are very different have been called Modernist. Fascism, Marxism ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Is it possible to reconcile post-structuralism with the scientific method?

Post-structuralist thought seems, to me, to be quite hard to argue with as a concept. Clearly, we understand the world through language, which both stems from culture, loading concepts with cultural ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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What does postmodernism say about Human Nature?

Chomsky who is anti-postmodernism believes humans have a nature which makes them inherently creative which can be achieved in a free society. This is in opposition to Foucault who talks bout the ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Why didn't Nietzsche's work take off in his time? [closed]

Was it becaue he just didn't breakout as a writer or was it because of the dominance of certain philosophical narratives that made his philosophy unacceptable ? he did attack everything ever
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Why is post-modernism so often equated to Relativism, are there any responses in postmodern philosophy that challenges this?

I am refering to critiques of postmodernism that are presented here:
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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How did the french postmodernists and Rorty arrive to the same conclusion using different methodology?

Rorty founded pragmatism -> which is basically that words only get their meanign based on how they're used French postmodernists on the other hand did different things all attacking Grand ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What is the difference between Subaltern and any other oppressed group?

This is in the context of deconstructionist Marxist Gayatri Spivak's reply to Foucualt and Deleuze and defense of Marx in her famous work Can The Subaltern Speak ? Are the subaltern just uneducated ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What do poststructuralists mean by "power legitimates itself"?

"The post-structuralists assert that in any culture power legitimates itself through its connection to the validating mechanism for truth claims." How is it possible to use truth as an ...
MIKEY SINGH's user avatar
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To what extent is postmodernism an attempt to nullify our biological tendencies?

Postmodernism is an intellectual stance or mode of discourse defined by an attitude of scepticism toward what it considers as the grand narratives and ideologies of modernism, as well as opposition to ...
Mike's user avatar
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How can one argue against absolute Relativism while being a Postmodernist?

A common criticism of postmodernism by the misunderstood and its opponents is that postmodernism justifies absolute moral relativism. I.e The claim that any claim is as true or good as any other, thus ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Is it possible to reconcile the Enlightenment with post-modernism especially the work of Derrida?

I am referring to Derrida's response to Sokal where he claims his work does not criticize the Enlightenment. However, given the enlightenment promoted the attitude that there existed truths, which ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What is the post-modernist response to Francis Fukuyama's theory that technological developments give history a specific direction?

Since post-modernists reject unity points and Foucault's work shows one episteme to the other evolves completely randomly without any pattern, Fukuyama's theory here:
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What Does Zizek Mean by Post-Oedipal capitalism?

Zizek says Post-Oedipal capitalism is the dominant system today, and this is in reference to Deleuze and Guattari's work and issue against Freud. From WP: Deleuze and Guattari analyze desire and ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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How has Foucault and post modernism in general become the dominant lense of analysis in Western Academia and how do Hegelians and others oppose that?

I have read of the strong impact of Foucault (the most cited author ?) and post-modernist lenses in particular in Academia. From Edward Said's Orientalism to Spivak's work (which even doe was a ...
ashRawls's user avatar
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What are some good easily understood books explaining the Postmodernist thinkers (Baudrillard, Derrida, Foucualt, Deleuze)?

I am talking bout books like Hegel: A Biography by Terry P. Pinkard which makes his philosophy accessible. I am an engineering student and don't know a lot of theory but I have read Durant, The Second ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Is Baudrillard's work left-wing or right-wing?

What hints can we draw from his philosophy to situate his politics ? For example the French philosopher Deleuze is obviously an anticatapitalist as understood from his ideas in Anti-oedipus. Drawing ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the difference between Modernity and Enlightenment?

I know several Enlightenment-era philosophers such as Smith and Locke were responsible for diminishing what Arendt calls "the realm of the political" and then they proceeded to reduce humans ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Does Foucault's "power-knowledge" contradict the scientific method?

I am trying to understand Foucault’s power-knowledge concept. It seems that Foucault viewed knowledge not as an understanding of an objective reality but a way to exert power? (1) It seems that one ...
Andy's user avatar
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What are some theories attacking postmodernism preserving objective truth and morality without assuming a God?

From my simplified understanding postmodernism claims ?: there is no objective truth, only interpretation there is no objective morality, morality usually represent the interest of the powers that be ...
Andy's user avatar
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Philosophy and personal identity

It seems to me that the concept of personal identity - as a coherent whole - is a corner stone of Western culture. We build a LinkedIn/Facebook/etc. profile to sell a whole personality. We go to ...
Alexandre Michaud's user avatar
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Is postmodernism the historical source of epistemic relativism? And does epistemic relativism logically derive from postmodernism?

It seems that epistemic relativism denies the possibility of science per se; because if there are no objective facts then there can be no scientific evidence neither as inductive basis (to be used as ...
Luna's user avatar
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Unconventional/underground philosophy

Are there any modern concepts of unconventional philosophy? I endeavour to keep up with all modern books and scholars, yet I have no idea about "underground philosophy"? Do you know ...
inthenickoftime's user avatar
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Can someone identify this school of thought?

There have been many articles, videos, etc. where I have encountered a philosophy similar to the following, so I'm sure it has a name, I'm just unable to find it and therefore to read up a bit more ...
dnaik's user avatar
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What is bourgeois liberalism (as associated with Rorty)?

In his SEP-article on Richard Rorty, Bjorn Ramberg on two occasions mentions bourgeois liberalism without offering any details of what Rorty or others mean by it. I have never come across this ...
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Does structuralism have preference for thinking through structures?

Structuralism states we are governed by narrow cultural structures. I believe post-modernism and post-structuralism acknowledge the existence of this structures as well. Is the difference in the ...
Borut Flis's user avatar
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Is there a novel that incorporates all of the theories included in Jacques Derrida's 'Seven Missiles, Seven Missives'?

Jacques Derrida came up with some theories about postmodern apocalypses in his Seven Missiles, Seven Missives. I'm looking for a novel that incorporates most of that, if not all.
Alie N's user avatar
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Does postmodernism hold that science is one social narrative among many, no better or worse than any other way of knowing?

I'm reading postmodern theory, and it seems to be all allusion and beating around the bush. I'm having a hard time getting at what the foundational ideas are. One thing I have heard is that ...
benjaminjsanders's user avatar
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How to make sense of philosophical text that might seem like "nonsense" but isn't?

I am reading the work of Jean Baudrillard. Some of his ideas "feels" right: they make sense to me in a weird way, but I can't get deeper because I can't understand most of what I read. Take ...
Chegon's user avatar
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Why is postmodernism apparently so ill-perceived in philosophy of science?

In the introduction to Massimo Pigliucci's book Philosophy of Pseudoscience: Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem, a collection of essays about the topic, I found the following bit: (...) we ...
condosz's user avatar
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