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What is Anti-humanism?

I tried to do my own research on it but I'm not very much cleared about it. Please explain it to me in simple language. this term is being used by Post-structuralism and postmodernists.
Schnoz's user avatar
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Does Critical Theories (CRT, Queer Studies etc.) come from the Frankfurt school or post-modernism?

I know post colonial studies which is a critical theory began with Orientalism which uses Foucault's concept of discourse. But also Frankfurt School is widely credited with finding critical theory ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What does postmodernism say about Human Nature?

Chomsky who is anti-postmodernism believes humans have a nature which makes them inherently creative which can be achieved in a free society. This is in opposition to Foucault who talks bout the ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Why is post-modernism so often equated to Relativism, are there any responses in postmodern philosophy that challenges this?

I am refering to critiques of postmodernism that are presented here:
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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How did the french postmodernists and Rorty arrive to the same conclusion using different methodology?

Rorty founded pragmatism -> which is basically that words only get their meanign based on how they're used French postmodernists on the other hand did different things all attacking Grand ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What is the difference between Subaltern and any other oppressed group?

This is in the context of deconstructionist Marxist Gayatri Spivak's reply to Foucualt and Deleuze and defense of Marx in her famous work Can The Subaltern Speak ? Are the subaltern just uneducated ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What do poststructuralists mean by "power legitimates itself"?

"The post-structuralists assert that in any culture power legitimates itself through its connection to the validating mechanism for truth claims." How is it possible to use truth as an ...
MIKEY SINGH's user avatar
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How can one argue against absolute Relativism while being a Postmodernist?

A common criticism of postmodernism by the misunderstood and its opponents is that postmodernism justifies absolute moral relativism. I.e The claim that any claim is as true or good as any other, thus ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What is the post-modernist response to Francis Fukuyama's theory that technological developments give history a specific direction?

Since post-modernists reject unity points and Foucault's work shows one episteme to the other evolves completely randomly without any pattern, Fukuyama's theory here:
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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How has Foucault and post modernism in general become the dominant lense of analysis in Western Academia and how do Hegelians and others oppose that?

I have read of the strong impact of Foucault (the most cited author ?) and post-modernist lenses in particular in Academia. From Edward Said's Orientalism to Spivak's work (which even doe was a ...
ashRawls's user avatar
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What are the relationships between Foucault's medical gaze, scientific investigation, and Buddhist detachment?

From this note from a clinical psychologist, the Foucault's gaze is described as: ... with this powerful gaze the physician could penetrate illusion and see through to the underlying reality, that ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Foucault and Derrida on spiritual liberation

Apart from his analysis of truth and power, when Foucault says... ...truth isn’t the reward of free spirits, the child of protracted solitude, nor the privilege of those who have succeeded in ...
David Lewis's user avatar
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What does Foucault mean by "regime of truth" and "discursive formation"?

I would like to clarify what Foucault means by "regime of truth", "discursive formation" and possibly related terms such as "truth game", "enunciative system". Here is my guess from looking at some ...
David Lewis's user avatar