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Questions tagged [deconstruction]

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Has Derrida elaborated on the importance of word order?

Derrida's différance suggest that Words and signs only acquire meaning through their differences from other words and signs. But in addition to difference from other words, word order is also ...
Qunfang Dou's user avatar
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Questioning the category of the “moral”

Briefly: it occurs to me that taking as given the pre-existence of the terms “morality” and “ethics” structures our thinking preemptively and heavily. In the manner of discursive analysts like ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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What were Jacques Derrida's most important ideas?

I've been studying Sociology for a few years, and am coming up on modern theory: post-structuralism, deconstruction etc. I've read a bit of it, but the ideas often seem somewhat removed from everyday ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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How is the 'central fiction' of Zionism to be understood politically?

Deleuze in his essay, The Grandeur of Arafat, writes: Zionism, then the state of Israel, will demand that the Palestinians recognise its right. But the State of Israel will never speak of ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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How can one argue against absolute Relativism while being a Postmodernist?

A common criticism of postmodernism by the misunderstood and its opponents is that postmodernism justifies absolute moral relativism. I.e The claim that any claim is as true or good as any other, thus ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Does structuralism have preference for thinking through structures?

Structuralism states we are governed by narrow cultural structures. I believe post-modernism and post-structuralism acknowledge the existence of this structures as well. Is the difference in the ...
Borut Flis's user avatar
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How closely is deconstruction tied to the plurality of meaning?

How closely is deconstruction tied to the plurality of meaning? the instability and plurality of meaning Derrida on Heidegger: the break with the horizon of communication as the communication ...
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Do followers of Lyotard consider modernism deconstructive?

Do followers of Lyotard consider modernism deconstructive? I ask only because I've read that Furthermore, says Lyotard, a work can become modern only if it is first postmodern, for postmodernism ...
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Is the couplet about mathematics and poetry about logocentricism and deconstructionism?

I find this couplet really interesting: Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things Poetry is the art of giving different names to the same thing The first one is made ...
Ooker's user avatar
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What are the differences between postmodernism, post-structuralism and deconstruction?

I know they can be used interchangeably, but in the spirit of structuralism, what are the differences between them? From Postmodernism - Wikipedia, I think that postmodernism and post-structuralism ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Any deconstruction or "after theory" texts related specifically to poetry? [closed]

A friend is badgering me to read, and claimed that there would be some works of deconstruction and "after theory" (I have no idea what this means) "related specifically to poetry". I've read a book ...
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Circular arguments in Philosophy post Wittgenstein

I am aware that this may seem rather naïve, but I feel I must ask it anyway: Are Heidegger's meditations on "Being" in "Zeit und Sein", and Derrida's deconstructions of Lacan's Freudian reflections on ...
martin's user avatar
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11 votes
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What does "il n'y a pas de hors-texte" mean in philosophy and literary criticism?

Does the phrase "il n'y a pas de hors-texte" amount to the same thing in literary criticism and philosophy? There's a lot of bad google hits on this phrase, and I haven't read On Grammatology [p158] ...
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Can any signature be counterfeit?

Derrida in Signature Event Context" (1972) asks: "Are there signatures?", responds, "Yes, of course, every day. Effects of signature are the most common thing in the world" (SEC 20). And he ...
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A question about the meaning of the term "metaphysics of presence"

In the term metaphysics of presence does presence refer to a physical presence or a presence of time?
user16934's user avatar

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