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Questions tagged [infinity]

Use for questions about the properties, nature, or definition of infinitude.

13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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If the finite-indefinite-infinite distinction is not exhaustive, does this affect Kant's resolution of the antinomies?

From the modern point of view, infinity comes not only in various flavors (some of which Kant seems to have been aware of), but various sizes. So when Kant talks about conceptions as being too small ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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Can the AC-DC argument against infinitism be defused?

Infinitism is the epistemic theory that claims that justification is only achieved by an infinite chain of non-repeating reasons. At first, this feels like the "troll" theory of epistemic ...
viuser's user avatar
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Need help understanding how certain mathemetical statements across the landscape can seemingly contradict (e.g. Cantor-Hume vs Euclid)

Here are the main components to my understanding on this issue: Almost all of math can be given in a foundation of set theory Different math can seemingly contradict, e.g. in Euclidean geometry ...
J Kusin's user avatar
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Who came up with the traversing an infinity model of a guy eternally walking on tiles that appear and vanish behind him

I had a debate last year where I got my idea from a scholarly source that I didn't cite at the time. I'm looking to find it again. As a rebuttal to the idea that an infinity cannot be traversed, this ...
HappyLuke's user avatar
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Did Augustine try to prove God's existence using Set Theory?

Some time ago I heard a professor of mine describe Augustine's Confessions as an attempt to prove God's existence using set theory. I didn't get a chance to ask him more of what he meant, and ...
LootHypothesis's user avatar
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Is this general argument against immortality valid?

I found the following argument here (although the paper is about a different topic): A General Argument Against Immortality: The method of Theory Confirmation can be applied to the question of ...
user43277's user avatar
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Completeness in finished system

Gödel's incompleteness theorems addresse formal axiomatic théories. Incompleteness of arithmetic of natural numbers is an example. My question is if a theory regarding a finite class of numbers cannot ...
kouty's user avatar
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Probabilities and Certainties on the Monkey Axis: Yet more about those monkey typists

I was reading with some interest the answers and comments to this question about that familiar, weird and somewhat inhumane infinite-monkey experiment which, somehow, is still generating fresh and ...
Brandon Burt's user avatar
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Do intuitionists and predicativists have an overly "absolute" concept of infinity?

Sifting through the historical data, I get the impression that intuitionism is not strictly a case of finitism (much less ultrafinitism), but more like "parafinitism". Predicativism, in turn,...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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Are there any arguments for why something past-eternal must necessarily be future-eternal as well?

If we assume that something has always existed in the past, what reason is there to assume that it won't perish in the future? I pondered on it and I wondered whether the following argument works: ...
user3776022's user avatar
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Can a backwards infinite regress account for its own existence?

Suppose we have a domain of discourse D with an infinite collection of elements, and suppose that it is the case that the existence of each element x is dependent upon another element y (or collection ...
Mark's user avatar
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Is it possible philosophically that the entire cosmic void with one or more universe/s inside it will stop exist eternally?

As a conscious agent who suddenly appeared in this cosmic void as a child to my parents and got a consistent memory since about the age of 3; With time I have learned of the question "why is there ...
AskerInTheUniverse's user avatar
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How does this theory about infinity compare with known results in "infinity theory"?

I had a conversation about infinity with my friend yesterday and what I left with was a theory about infinity. HERE goes. I believe that there are different quantities of infinity because if you have ...
Xebiq's user avatar
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