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Use for questions about the properties, nature, or definition of infinitude.

A plain definition of infinity might be, “Something without end.” Infinity is probably a natural idea to arise in the standard cognitive framework that most humans have - a concept constructed from the human’s conception of “size”, and/or “number”. For this reason, it is likely most cultures around the world have given birth to some concept of “infinity”, independently.

Still, infinity remains an intricately puzzling concept, full of paradoxes. Its potential existence or non-existence can spur novel dialectical breakthroughs, such as Georg Cantor’s method of diagonalization, when let him argue that there are multiple sizes of infinity.

Conceptions of infinity are critical in modern mathematics, where they are necessary to prove a number of intriguing theorems. Some philosophers maintain that there must be an “absolute infinity” towering above all the rest, containing them; others take the position that there simply can be no such thing, and there is always a higher container to contain some thing, from above.

The timeless question of infinity is reviewed here - a subject which seemingly has no end.