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Unanswered Questions

43 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
0 answers

Is it important to swing baby in cradle in two axis?

I was reading that it is really important to swing newborn in cradle - in general it helps brain to develop. I also found some opinions that it is really important to swing newborn in cradle not only ...
4 votes
0 answers

4 year old potty regression but concerned about the hysteria more than the regression

My 4 year old daughter is perfectly potty trained (with no accidents) since last June. She wears a diaper at night. lately she wants to wear a diaper all day because her best friend has regressed. She ...
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Onset of aggression towards mother

I am a mother with 4.5 year old daughter. I am also expecting a second child and am in the second trimester. Ever since we shared the news with the daughter, she became much more needy. We talk a lot ...
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0 answers

How to behavior with my 30 years old son?

My wife and I have a lot of problems with our 30-year-old son. I am 62 years old and my wife is 56 years old. We have only one child, our son has a problem with depression and pessimism of ancestry to ...
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Validated list of emotions for children by age

I am writing stories about emotions for children age 5-10. I would like to use emotions that are relevant to children's emotional development in that range. For example, I heard from discussions with ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to convince teenage sister to coexist with parents?

Not a parent but an older sibling and I’m trying to establish some form of peace in my household, I’ll try to give context here without making the question too long. My sister is a teenager that’s ...
3 votes
1 answer

12 month old baby girl w/ bad eating habits

Since my baby girl was 4-5 months old she would only drink her bottles while asleep. when she is awake she will REFUSE that bottle at all costs. To get her to drink during the day I would have to put ...
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0 answers

Nasal Congestion for newborn less than 2 months

My newborn wakes up upset from blocked nose although I keep a humidifier in the room to remove any congestions and keep her warm. Not sure what to do to prevent this as she wakes up upset from it.
2 votes
0 answers

3 Year Old Son - Only Interested in “Girl” Things

My 2, almost 3, year old son is only interested in “girl” activities and play items. He has an older brother, who had no interest in this type of play so our house is mostly neutral or “boy” toys. My ...
2 votes
0 answers

Trying to find diaper cover with wipeable exterior

Trying to find diaper covers (for cloth diapers) which are made of a fabric or material which can be wiped off. The ones I've seen on Amazon or other websites seem to all be made with a cotton or wool ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can I ship Alimentum Ready to Feed to my house during 85-100 Fahrenheit days?

I have a 7 month old who feeds on Alimentum Ready to Feed. The manufacturer said that the unopened storage temperature is up to 95 degree Fahrenheit. I live in New Orleans where we commonly have 88-...
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0 answers

Best mealtime for babies to eat protein

The CDC write By the time he or she is 7 or 8 months old, your child can eat a variety of foods from different food groups. These foods include infant cereals, meat or other proteins, fruits, ...
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4 months developmental leap

We have a 4 month old daughter who has been a good night sleeper before, goes to sleep around 8-9pm and sleeps 4-5h, eats (bottle) and sleeps another 3-4h and eats, then sleeps more 3h. Sometimes even ...
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0 answers

Toddler gets extremly upset about the presence of certain toys and items in her play area

My 32mo daughter gets extremely upset when I introduce a new item or toy into her play area or bedroom. For example, when the seasons change and she needs a blanket in her bed, she will throw a ...
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Exercising visual spatial intelligence using interactive storytelling

What is the best way to exercise visual spatial intelligence for my 8 year old in regards to interactive story telling? I currently have her describe the surrounding environment she envisions in as ...
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0 answers

Identify this A-B-C children's song in Dutch

My wife remembers the first couple of verses of a children's alphabet song (in Dutch) from her childhood and would like to find the lyrics of the complete song. She remembers singing this at least 22 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Handbook for intermediary level ESL to talk to babies in English

My wife is an intermediary ESL speaker (she didn't take any standardized test, I guess her level is ~B1-B2). She is now interacting with our ~one-year old baby ~90% in mother tongue and ~10% in ...
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0 answers

6 year old aggressive and impulsive behavior

My 6 year old stepson has shown signs of ADHD for many years. The worst of it is shown in school, where the behaviors are out of control. He has extra help and support from staff and teachers who give ...
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0 answers

Dealing with 10-12 yer old impulsiveness

I have 2 sons, aged 10 and 12 and lately they have been dealing with a lot of different things. So far, their uncle died rather suddenly after Christmas, then my dog died (old age), and now the ...
1 vote
0 answers

My 18 month old keeps pulling the couch cushions off the pullout sofa - how to keep him safe?

We have a couch that has a pull out bed for guests. My son's newest habit (18 months old) is pulling up the cushions and running across where the pull out bed is. We just bought this couch (too ...
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0 answers

Why won't schools allow students to repeat a year?

In a little over a year time our child will have to pick a secondary education (in the Netherlands). Throught friends with older children I have heard stories of children who were refused to repeat a ...
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abandonment anxiety in 6 year old -- how to teach him he is ok (and undo the damage from when he was young)

We struggled with certain things as parents do and our boy (now just "B") who is nearly 6 learned that he would be abandoned, he has not been able to develop past this anxiety when he gets ...
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0 answers

Should the information of who their biological parent is

I have a somewhat unique situation. I have a daughter that's 11 years old and she lives with a man she has been led to believe is her father. Her mother passed away when she was five or six and she ...
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0 answers

What is the Best Way for an Uncircumcised Boy to Wipe After Peeing?

My son is four. His pediatrician said he should be wiping because he is not circumcised. What is the proper procedure for wiping a foreskin?
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0 answers

Why won't my child speak?

My son is 6 and he is absolutely can talk lots and knows lots of words in English and Japanese. My wife is a controlling person who doesn't believe in structure- has to do some now that son was going ...
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0 answers

Recommended group size for 1.5 years old?

We have a 1.5 year old boy. We are trying to choose between two daycare options - one is more intimate with 4-5 toddlers, 1-1.5 years old, the other is with about 10 kids, some will be older. Are ...
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0 answers

Goddaughters can't be anywhere without me

I live in a different state as my goddaughters, but we do in person visits semi-frequently and weekly video chats. The girls, 4 & nearly 6, seem to really value their time with me, which I'm glad ...
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0 answers

I feel like my husband hates our son - how can I help reconcile their relationship?

I have a 16 years old son who is very charming, loving and friendly, but also has ADHD. He is a bit slow in focus with his academics and behaves like a little younger than his age, that may be because ...
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0 answers

Multinational Online Course/Training/Group for Mothers and Infant Activities

In current situation while being locked in home the most of the time and with no access to pediatrician I am looking for online events/course/training where my wife will be able to exercise baby along ...
1 vote
0 answers

How best to help a language-delayed 3.5-year-old in a foreign language environment?

We are an English-speaking American family with 2 children, and have recently moved to Germany. The length of our stay is indefinite, and we've decided to try to integrate culturally and ...

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