What is the best way to exercise visual spatial intelligence for my 8 year old in regards to interactive story telling?

I currently have her describe the surrounding environment she envisions in as much detail as possible. Then I guide her through adding more details to the environment she envisions to create as detailed of a landscape as she can hold in her mind. Then as we think up the story we place each character/object within the landscape she is holding in memory, specifying as many details as possible (characters, patterns, colors, quantity, geospatial placement relative to existing story objects, etc).

Which would be a better brain exercise?

  1. Have them rely on their imagination entirely and visualize every aspect by themselves as they think of each detail?

  2. Present them with an initial image of a landscape as a foundation for the story. Then have them place each detail of the story on the landscape presented?


  • 1
    Visual spatial intelligence won't be helped by either. Imagination, yes. Spatial relationships have to do with objects in space (near/far/left/right/up/down, all together.) Speaking to a child doesn't really help with this. What is your child's age? I did do spatial intelligence exercises with my kids as part of their schooling. If you clarify what you're looking for, and the age of the child involved, you'll get a more helpful answer. Thanks. Commented Jun 26, 2020 at 14:34
  • 1
    From an earlier question it looks like the child is 9 years old. If that's accurate, OP please edit that in. Thanks!
    – Joe
    Commented Jun 26, 2020 at 15:28
  • I incorporate spacial relations by first having her describe the surrounding environment she envisions in as much detail as possible. Then guide her through adding more details to the environment to envision as detailed of a landscape as she can hold in your mind. Then as we think up the story we place each character/object within the landscape she is holding in memory, specifying the exact position, quanity, and relative position to everything else already placed in the story. Commented Jun 26, 2020 at 22:48
  • I'm skeptical that this will do anything for visual spatial skills, but good luck. Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 3:05
  • I might suggest you add a definition for how you define visual spatial intelligence - I feel like there is a disconnect here perhaps.
    – Joe
    Commented Jun 27, 2020 at 22:42


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