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Questions tagged [linearization]

For questions related to techniques for converting nonlinear expressions in optimization models into equivalent (or approximately equivalent) linear ones.

0 votes
1 answer

Linearization of two constraints: one with a conditional max and one with a sum with a variable as index

I have these two quite nasty constraints I have tried to linearize. I am trying to dynamically control if you are allowed to plan producing product p. You are allowed to do it if the product arrived (...
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0 answers

What's the linearization of the product between a discrete variable and a continuous varibale?

I am trying to linearize the product $z=xy$, where $x$ is an integer variable and $y$ a continuous variable, both non-negative, for an optimization problem. I have tried the SCIP formulation: $v_{bn} \...
1 vote
0 answers

How to linearize a product and ratio of $x$ and $y$ where $x$ is binary and $y$ is a continuous variable?

I am an electrical engineer who is currently learning about optimization. From this post, they have shown how to linearize the product of two binary variables. But in my case, I have a product $x \...
0 votes
1 answer

Production scheduling

I'm formulating a scheduling problem with the following decision variables: $$X_t \space \text{is power sold to market in time period t} \\ Y_t \space \text{is power used for production in time period ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to write conditional constraints and sum the result in Linear Programming in Python?

I want to use the sum of a series of linear expressions as objective and constraints. These linear expressions are chosen to be included or not based on some conditions. I can achieve it in Excel ...
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1 answer

PULP: Optimization Assignment of Bicycle production per month

Q1. If bicycles of types A and H are produced, then bicycles of type C can be produced with 20% shorter working hours, while selling profit of bicycles type H can be 20% higher. Q2: If bicycles of ...
2 votes
2 answers

Are McCormick Envelopes exact for the following class of optimization problems?

I have the following optimization problem: \begin{align*} \text{minimize} \quad &\mathbf{c^T x} \\ \text{such that} \quad &\mathbf{x} \in S. \end{align*} Here, $S$ is a polyhedron of the form $...
1 vote
3 answers

If $x_1 \geq 4$ then **one** out of the following three constraints must hold: $x_2 \leq 3, x_3 \leq 4, x_4=5$

How does one linearize the following constraints: If $x_1 \geq 4$ then one out of the following three constraints must hold: $x_2 \leq 3, x_3 \leq 4, x_4=5$. $$x_1 \leq 4 + Mz_1$$ $$x_2 \leq 3 + M(1-...
3 votes
1 answer

How to linearize the following logical constraints?

I am having trouble linearizing the following logical constraints. $x,y,z$ are non negative continuous variables such that $x=y+z$, and $A$ is a positive parameter. I would like to linearize $$ y= \...
2 votes
1 answer

Minimizing sum(abs(Ax-c)) for binary decision variables - terminology and methods?

My problem requires choosing a fixed number of vectors from a large set of vectors such that the sum of these vectors is close to some known target vector. That is, given known parameters: $$ l, m, n \...
2 votes
1 answer

Set a limit on value change of a binary variable

I am working on an Energy Management problem. The objective is to minimize the electricity bill for the customer. I have a time-series data with 15 min. intervals spanning the course of 1 year. The ...
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1 answer

Priority based demand fulfilment in Linear Constraint

Say I have 3 sources. D1, D2, D3. their capacity is 100, 200, 400. I want to create some constraints such that First D1 is depleted then D2 and then D3. But the catch is you cant use min or max ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to model this constraint in a better way?

I have a resource allocation problem. There are $M$ users and $N$ resources (machines). One user can be assigned to multiple resources/machines. But maximum $B$ machines can be activated at a time for ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to model the constraints of min and max in cvxpy

I have a continuous variable $x_{ij}\in[0,1]$ and I need to write the following constraint: $$M_i-m_i+1\leq C_i$$ where $M_i=\max\{j: x_{ij}>0\}$ and $m_i=\min\{j: x_{ij}>0\}$
4 votes
2 answers

Linear condition between two continuous variables

There are two real variables $x$ and $y$. The conditions are such that: if $y\le 0$, then $x=0$ if $y>0$, then $x=y$ How to write linear equations or inequalities to satisfy both the conditions?

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