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How to model this constraint in a better way?

I have a resource allocation problem. There are $M$ users and $N$ resources (machines). One user can be assigned to multiple resources/machines. But maximum $B$ machines can be activated at a time for ...
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How to linearize the multiplication of variables and transform this into an MILP?

Let $C=10$, $U=50$ $P_c,c=1,\cdots,C$ and $\alpha_{u,c},u=1,\cdots,U,c=1,\cdots,C$ are optimization variables $\alpha_{u,c}$ is binary $\sigma_{u,c}$, $d_{u,c}$ are known parameters $\min \sum_{c=1}^...
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3 votes
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using milp for a linear complementarity problem

I have to minimize $c^Tx$ subject to $Ax = b$, $x_iw_i = 0$ for all $i$, with $x$ non negative continuous and $w$ binary. What model should I use to solve this problem?
fischer justin's user avatar
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$\min\{f(x_1),\dots,f(x_n)\}$ with other constraints

I have an optimization problem which goes: \begin{align*} \text{Minimize:} \\ & \sqrt{x} + \sqrt{y} \tag{NL-objective} \\ \text{Subject to:} \\ &3x + 2y \geq 2 &...
madhafakha's user avatar
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How to linearize a non-convex optimization objective function?

The non-convex multi-objective optimization problem in my case is defined below: Objective 1: Minimize $f_1(X_1,X_2)=C_0+C_1(1/X_1)+C_2(X_2/X_1)+C_3X_1+C_4X_2+C_5(X_2^2/X_1)$ Objective 2: Minimize $...
vp_050's user avatar
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Non-linear optimization local or global solution

In an NLP, I have a constraint that I would like to formulate in a convex manner preferably without introducing binary variables and/or big M formulations if possible. The actual problem is non-convex ...
Marry's user avatar
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Maximizing a piecewise-linear convex function

Note: Initially posted on MathOverflow. I am working on an optimization problem where some of the terms of the objective function to maximize are expressed as a piecewise linear function of variables:...
lovasoa's user avatar
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6 votes
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Linearizing the square root of binary summations

My question is similar to this one and almost identical with this. I am so confused due to indexing and could not make sure if I could apply the solution in here to this indexed version as shown below....
tcokyasar's user avatar
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Linearizing the square root of two binary summations

My question is similar to this one though a bit more complicated. Though my question also includes indices, I am removing them to ease readability. Let binary variables $x,y\in\{0,1\}$, non-negative ...
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