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How to linearize the following logical constraints?

I am having trouble linearizing the following logical constraints. $x,y,z$ are non negative continuous variables such that $x=y+z$, and $A$ is a positive parameter. I would like to linearize $$ y= \...
NormalFit's user avatar
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Linear condition between two continuous variables

There are two real variables $x$ and $y$. The conditions are such that: if $y\le 0$, then $x=0$ if $y>0$, then $x=y$ How to write linear equations or inequalities to satisfy both the conditions?
Lorentz's user avatar
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Add second "constraint" to model a binary variable

in my model I have the binary variable $f_{ij}$ which pushes a time-dependent $j$ integer variable $D_{ij}$ to zero if $f_{ij}$ takes the value 1 and keeps the integer number if $f_{ij}$ equals 0. Yes,...
marvelfab12's user avatar
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How to represent "if $y_{it} = 1$ and $z_{jt'}=1$ then $x_{ij,t+t'}=1$"

There is a fulfillment problem in the e-commerce logistics field, where the fulfillment of each order is composed of a main transport (from City A to City B, referred to as a route) and an end ...
Ying's user avatar
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Replace the constraint using ==> by a linear formulation

I would like to know how to express the continuity constraint without using a decision variable in the conditional form. My challenge is to stay with a linear formulation. I will start to explain my ...
Basma Ben Mahmoud's user avatar
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How to linearize the following constraints

Given the following two expressions: $ x - \frac{1}{T}\sum_{i} y_{i}$ $ x - \frac{1}{Q}\sum_{i} \beta_{i} y_{i}$ where $x \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}$, $y \in \mathbb{R}_{+}$, and $T$, $Q$ and $\beta_{i}$ ...
CHE's user avatar
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how to linearize if-then when having an operand?

if $x_{i,j,p,s}$ and $y_{i,j,p,s}$ are binary and $z_i^s$ is integer; how to enforce: $$ ((x_{i,j,p,s}=1) \land (z_i^s \ge 5 )) \implies y_{i,j,p,s}=1 $$ The value of $z$ in my problem could be 1 to ...
Hemfri's user avatar
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Is it possible to do a linearization without introducing new variables?

I have three binary variables $x_{i,j}^{m,r}$ , $y_i^{m,r}$, and $z_i^{m,r}$. There is another integer variable $w_i^r$. And I want to linearize the following logic: $$ \sum_{m} x_{i,j}^{m,r} \ge 1 \...
Rainbow's user avatar
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Linearizing if else conditions in ILP

We are given three binary indicator variables $X_{ij}, Y_{jk}$ and $Z_{jl}$. Write linear constraints such that, a) if $X_{ij}$ is equal to 1, then for that $j$ when $X_{ij} = 1$, exactly one $Y_{jk} =...
ephemeral's user avatar
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Linearization of Conditional Constraints for MIP using Cplex

I'm currently working on a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem and I'm trying to implement a set of conditional constraints in CPlex. These constraints involve decision variables that are indexed ...
B.Kim's user avatar
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How to model a binary variable?

I am trying to find a constraint for the following relationship, but am failing a bit at it right now. I want to find a linear constraint that does the following. The binary variable $switch_{ot}$ is ...
mingabua's user avatar
5 votes
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Rewriting if-then constraints of binary summations

Suppose both $x_{i,j}^{ab}$ and $y_{i,j}^a$ are binaries. Then how can I rewrite the following if-then in linear form? $\sum_b x_{i,j}^{ab} \ge 1 \implies \sum_{i,j} y_{i,j}^a = 0$ I was thinking of ...
linkho's user avatar
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How to model $C_1=C_2$ implies $b_1 = b_2$

Suppose $C_1 \ge 0$, $C_2 \ge 0$ are continuous variables and $b_1$, $b_2$ are binary variables. How could I model the following? $C_1 = C_2 \implies b_1 = b_2$, the opposite does not hold.
Clement's user avatar
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How to enforce logical implication $\sum_j a_j x_j \le b \implies \sum_j c_j x_j \le d$

Some modeling languages and solvers support indicator constraints of the form $$y=\hat{y} \implies \sum_j a_j x_j \le b,$$ where $y$ is a binary decision variable and $\hat{y}\in\{0,1\}$ is a constant....
RobPratt's user avatar
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Equivalence between constraints in ILP

Let's have binary variables $x$ and $y$. I'd like to define a helping binary variable $z$ such that $$ z = 1 \; \;\; \mathrm{iff} \; \; \; x + y = 2.$$ If I wanted to express the equivalence between ...
tomashauser's user avatar

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