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Questions tagged [credit-history]

for questions related to credit worthiness history, related tags credit-score, credit-rating and credit-report

4 votes
4 answers

Should I pay off my car loan within first year or wait until at least one year has passed?

I have the capability of paying off my car loan of around $15,000 by end of June next year, however this loan started this month. I have heard loans/accounts kept open for more than a year are on ...
Joshua Enfield's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What happens to my credit card or line of credit if my bank goes bust?

What happens to my credit card or credit line if the bank goes bust? I'm not concerned about the BALANCE on them, I'm concerned about losing an older credit line and its effect on my credit history ...
CQM's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

If there's no credit report at one of the three agencies does this affect decisions by creditors to offer me credit?

This is a very naive question, but I don't know much about this. I asked a similar question before, but the emphasis was different. I managed to get a credit report through Experian and Equifax (and ...
Nicole's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What proactive measures can be taken before or when a lender closes your credit card?

A blogger and contributor here recommended Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) as a possible lender in my search for cash secured credit cards to establish my credit history, and I got approved for one ...
f1StudentInUS's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How bad would maxing out my credit card once a year affect my score

I just got approved for a $1500 cash secured credit card from Wells Fargo. This means I have no credit history whatsoever, and am going to use this card to establish one. With fall semester at ...
f1StudentInUS's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

What are my chances at getting a mortgage with Terrible credit but High income

I want to get a house in the near future(ideally within 6 mo. to a year) and my credit is very poor right now. Basically, I was working in a job that I could barely make it on, and missed payments on ...
user4350's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Ways to establish credit history for international student

I am a student on a F1 Visa in the US. Being a non US Citizen and on a student Visa, I am unauthorized to work off campus, and so I am restricted to work upto 20 hours a week on a hourly wage and ...
f1StudentInUS's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Should I keep recently opened Credit Cards that I don't use?

After investigating these questions (1 and 2) I am still in doubt in what to do with my current situation. I have many credit cards because over the years I have been given better deals on them. So I ...
Geo's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

What's a good next step in rebuilding my credit rating?

Here's a summary of my current position: Current credit rating of 600/610 (I think. I'm positive it was in the lower 600's 4 months ago) I've had a card for a year, $500 limit, no late payments, ...
Will's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Will upgrading my credit card affect my credit history length?

Background: I recently graduated from college. I have had a student credit card (Visa) with Wells Fargo since 2008 and it is my only credit card. Obviously, I do not want the history of this card to ...
Yetti's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How long does it take for a person's credit profile be established?

A Canadian friend recently got a job in the US and started working 3 months ago. He went through some trouble to obtain his first credit card in mid-December. The problem is that any credit issuer ...
grokus's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to approach eliminating a record in my credit history that is hurting my score

I have a record in my credit history that shows a delinquency from 4/2005 that was paid off but was also marked as a "charge off." As of January 2011, this record no longer shows up in my file for ...
user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Will Adding myself as a co-holder of my parent's credit card build my credit history?

I have been in the U.S. since 2007 as a student, and only recently realized the importance of buliding my credit history. My belief is that a credit card is the way to start building a credit history....
studentOfFinance's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Will paying off my car early hinder my ability to build credit?

I don't have much credit because I am young but I did recently purchase a car which I am paying 9% on. This seems ridiculously high to me and I was thinking about pulling out some of my stocks to pay ...
Joe Phillips's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Are credit histories/scores international?

I'm starting work in the US, and I'm wondering if my credit history will transfer. If not, is there a way for me to gain an "international" credit history, or equivalent, in expectation of other ...
blueberryfields's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Should I really pay off my entire credit card balance each month or should I maintain some balance?

I've heard two conflicting things: One is that you should pay your entire credit every month, and the other that you should maintain roughly %30, %50 (it varies by who you ask) of your available ...
M. Duff's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Who checks my credit history when I apply for a credit card?

I'm guessing this may be how it works: Card company > Some Company > Me I can get a credit card from my bank or some company. Do those guys review my history? Or does the card company? Perhaps "Some ...
d-_-b's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Is it true that it's better to have bad credit than no credit?

There's a popular saying: It's better to have bad credit than no credit. Is this true?
spong's user avatar
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15 votes
8 answers

Relocated to USA. How to get credit card without existing credit history / score?

I recently relocated to USA and have no Credit Score. Is Secure Credit Card is the only option for me to start building my credit score? Also please recommend which other credit cards are available ...
reva's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Global credit record: Would my good credit history apply internationally?

Does my credit record apply internationally? For example, if I have a good credit record in Australia, with a car / house loan and a credit card or two, can my good credit rating be seen by banks and ...
a_m0d's user avatar
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