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13 votes
1 answer
269 views is missing IPv6 DNS resolution

Cloudflare is about one of the easiest way to get a domain served over both IPv4 and IPv6. However the new image hosting domain doesn't have any AAAA records. Would it be too much to ask for images to ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Please enable hotlinking to images hosted under

I have just discovered that the new domain does not allow hotlinking. I assume it was done to prevent using the images outside of the SE network, however I kindly ask you to reconsider ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 9,686
5 votes
0 answers

Harmonize display names for automatic URL rewrites

A couple of years ago, Stack Exchange switched to HTTPS-only and all internal links were rewritten by (non-bumping) edits by the Community user, like this one here. I just noticed that on Stack ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
38 votes
1 answer

Please add some basic guidance on voting to the tour

I just had to deal with an understandably irate user who had been participating on the site I moderate only in one specific tag, where only a very small group of people were active. It turned out that ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 25.3k
10 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to search among my followed posts?

Is there a searching key for followed posts analogous to inbookmarks:mine for bookmarks? If the answer is no, may I enter a feature request?
CarLaTeX's user avatar
  • 651
2 votes
2 answers

Clarify why review badge progress doesn't appear to add up

I was able to complete some "First Answers" reviews today. After completing three, I took a look to see my progress. It shows as follows: The page says that I've reviewed 4 review tasks, ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Move the new badge UI in the profile page to under Top tags

The new profile page badge UI has been released and for an example if you go to my profile on SFF you'll see the following*: Click image to enlarge. Could it be moved to under the Top tags widget? I ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

Please don't expect users to recognize American street scenes

My latest Captcha challenge involved identifying taxis. Well, I've seen one or two American films (movies) in which the taxis were yellow, so I made a guess and punted that the yellow cars were taxis ...
Michael Kay's user avatar
-10 votes
1 answer

Should we add placeholders for referencing upvotes, downvotes, views, etc. of a question/answer?

Often when writing meta posts, you are referencing values such as upvotes, downvotes, and views from other questions. This results in lots of "at the time of writing" and "currently&...
CATboardBETA's user avatar
30 votes
1 answer

Include comment markdown formatting in "Share" link

I find I often want to link to other related questions in comments and frequently use the "Share" link below a question: Invariably, I also want to share the title for a readable link, so ...
J...'s user avatar
  • 449
-1 votes
1 answer

Revisit - Allow a bounty to go un-awarded. No winner

I'm raising this again because I now have a question I would dearly like to find an answer to, with one totally wrong answer awarded a bounty. I would prefer to be able to delete the entire question ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 7,587
27 votes
1 answer

Could we block image only posts?

Admittedly it's uncommon - with maybe 5-6 incidences a month of meta of folks posting a selfie or 3 for no apparent reason, either as a question or an answer. There's no other text on these posts, and ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Can the Stack Exchange websites work with a small cookie notification? [duplicate]

The massive cookie acceptance notification is a major annoyance. Even more annoying, is that even if I've logged into Stack Overflow, when I visit another Stack Exchange website, I'm shown the ...
John David's user avatar
47 votes
1 answer

Allow all users to use the deleted:1 operator to find their own deleted posts

This question is not a duplicate of Show all of my question/answers to me even if they are deleted (which I was aware of and referred to it below) in its current state. That post received a status-...
41686d6564's user avatar
  • 15.2k
43 votes
1 answer

Allow using arrow keys to move hats more precisely

During this Winter Bash, I've been trying to move one of my hats to the perfect location on top of my avatar, but the mouse is not letting me position it correctly. It would be helpful if support ...
Green's user avatar
  • 553
25 votes
1 answer

Unable to undo comment-upvote after page reload

Why can't I remove my comment-upvote after I've reloaded the page? I completely understand the reason to 'time-lock' removing your vote (or question-vote), but it seems like reloading the page should ...
0stone0's user avatar
  • 3,227
9 votes
0 answers

Automatic change to the full version of the site when trying to put on a hat

When you try to put on a hat on the mobile version, it goes to profiles and there is emptiness, so it would be nice if it would automatically change to the full version of the site.
Danis's user avatar
  • 696
55 votes
1 answer

Please allow moderators to apply real permanent review suspensions

As users are now inbox-notified for each review suspension, there is now one edge case that may cause confusion to users -- Background On Stack Overflow, we have users1 who have over 50 previous ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
  • 8,093
33 votes
1 answer

Can usage of the mod-agreement-policy tag trigger a moderator notification?

When a new question is tagged mod-agreement-policy I'd like it to trigger a moderator notification. I ask because the new moderator agreement requires: I will abide by all other officially announced ...
yagmoth555's user avatar
  • 6,557
2 votes
1 answer

On the timeline view for questions, display the type of vote and when it was cast

Looking at a timeline view, I'd like to understand what people were looking at when votes were cast. The votes themselves should be anonymous with respect to who voted, but upvotes, downvotes, and ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 52.1k
13 votes
1 answer

Add notification text about new Moderator Agreement into Transifex

Moderators should accept new Agreement. And there is notification about it. But it's not localized, and there is no such string in the Transifex. Could you add it, so we will be able to translate it?
Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Badge for the first use of the "follow post" feature

We have badges awarded to those who learned and used some site features, first of all Autobiographer and Informed. Scholar, Editor, Supporter, Citizen Patrol, Critic, Custodian also look worth ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 11.2k
-32 votes
2 answers

To improve first poster experience, can questions have a suspend state before they can be voted for close? [duplicate]

Possible names for this feature: "Suspended" "Under review" I am sure newbies find it quite confronting to ask a question and then have it "closed". A suspend state ...
Kind Contributor's user avatar
38 votes
2 answers

Do not repeatedly require trusted contributors to solve captchas when they attempt to post

By now, I've solved hundreds of captchas on Stack Exchange, maybe thousands. Often when I post (conservatively, at least 30% of the time), I'm presented with this: We can't quite tell if you're a ...
CertainPerformance's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Let us know when we can change display name again

Once upon a time, we could see recently used (90 days back) display names, then according to this, to know when we can change again, in case 30 days didn't yet pass since last used name. However, ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

When you get the "Your question is ready to publish", allow submitting it from that modal instead of moving to the bottom of the page

As described in The new ask page is now live on the network!, all new questions now go through a workflow that finally leads to the pleasant announcement "Your question is ready to publish!": I would ...
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Allow sites to disable or otherwise tweak Community auto-bumping

So the Community user bumps posts occasionally: Posts eligible for bumping are those scoring >= 0 that have gone at least 30 days with no activity, have at least one non-deleted answer scoring 0 ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
  • 36.3k
19 votes
1 answer

How can the required number of votes for community promotion ads be lowered on smaller sites?

Martial Arts SE just got our first community ads a few months ago. The requirement is that in order for an ad to be shown, it must have at least 6 votes. However, I'm sure I speak for many small ...
LemmyX's user avatar
  • 400
-5 votes
3 answers

Don't display review queues icon when user cannot review questions

Currently, when user cannot review questions because of insufficient reputation, the review queues icon is not displayed. This is fine. But when a user cannot review questions because they are banned, ...
mentallurg's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Prevent questions from being tweeted onto the site's Twitter account if they are removed from Hot Network Questions [closed]

This question made it into Hot Network Questions, but was removed by a moderator later. Six hours after the removal, it was tweeted onto the site's Twitter account, drawing it more attention. In my ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Can we replace the "no longer reproducible" close reason with a [status-obsolete] tag?

Here on MSE, we have a close reason for bug reports and feature requests that have been rendered obsolete by changes to the system: The problem described here can no longer be reproduced. Changes ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 83.1k
19 votes
3 answers

Please don't completely remove the mobile website, for the benefit of users on slow connections

A Stack Exchange employee just said the following regarding the mobile site: We are actively working on the responsive design that works on both desktop and mobile, based on screen size. Once that is ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Are there plans to get the @ name completion working on the mobile website?

I use Stack Exchange site through my phone (iPhone) way more frequently than I do through the desktop website. When I do that, I really wish that typing the @ symbol would offer the same auto-...
SRM's user avatar
  • 484
14 votes
2 answers

After scrolling beyond the SE site's logo/name, replace the "StackExchange" sticky header logo with it

It's very useful for the user to know which SE site they're using at a glance. For example, I use Unix & Linux, Ask Ubuntu, Vi and Vim, Stack Overflow, and Server Fault, which can have ...
Wis's user avatar
  • 328
54 votes
4 answers

Restrict moderator tools that allow mass dumping of user emails

There is a tool available to moderators that can show up to 1000 email addresses at once with a single query. On smaller sites, this tool is probably powerful enough to create a dump of the email ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
190 votes
4 answers

Please don't refer to 2019 as 'a great year'

There's a bug on the Winter Bash 2019 homepage: Stack Exchange invites you to celebrate the end of a great year …with HATS! As you use your site, you'll discover hats and other items hidden behind ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
92 votes
4 answers

The auto-comment “Does this answer your question?” generated when voting to close as a duplicate is sometimes confusing

I noticed an old question similar to another existing question and voted to close as duplicate. After this, the system added a comment: Does this answer your question? Dotnet Windows service ...
Michael Freidgeim's user avatar
56 votes
1 answer

Give moderators the power to add tag warnings

Although I'm reasonably experienced on Stack Exchange (8+ years of activity, 40 sites with 500+ reputation, 247k total rep) and have been a diamond moderator on one site for some 5 years, today I saw ...
gerrit's user avatar
  • 9,370
9 votes
2 answers

Show banner asking for nominations only when user has enough reputation

When visiting Tor Stack Exchange, I'm seeing the following banner: Want to help moderate this community? We need more candidates in the ongoing election! It's a decent idea for getting more ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
-17 votes
3 answers

Please use GMT instead of UTC in the Achievements clock

Beyond Change the timestamp format, the Achievements drop-down still shows a "UTC" "time zone", which has been brought to my attention by David Postill as "not a time zone". Please update the ...
Jeff Schaller's user avatar
-20 votes
2 answers

Combinining all language related sites into one

There are a quite a few language learning related sites on the Stack Exchange network. I may have missed a few, but here they are: ...
Suragch's user avatar
  • 490
7 votes
1 answer

As a moderator, I would like to be able to move comments

Scenario: I have a question on Code Review where there is one answer and in the comments of the answer a third user is asking for more information to be provided in the question. Currently there isn'...
Malachi's user avatar
  • 2,074
-3 votes
1 answer

Change "viewed X times" to "viewed by X users"

I recently conducted an experiment in which I tried to increase the view count on an old question several different ways: reloading the page going to a different question and back leaving for 15 ...
user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Always preserve votes from users who are voluntarily removed

Refer here. Summarily invalidating all votes from a user who has asked for their account to be removed is both incredibly disruptive and unnecessary. If a user asks to be removed from the site, they ...
user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

Hide previously suspended nominations unless approved by Community Managers

Recently, Physics SE has finished the 2019 moderator election nomination phase. Earlier today, within 24 hours of the nomination completing, a user was removed from the nominations. The user later ...
JMac's user avatar
  • 348
5 votes
1 answer

Comment flag submit button is no longer disabled if another comment was flagged within the last five seconds

In the old comment flagging UI (the one before major changes were made to the comment flagging system recently), it used to be that if another comment was flagged within the last five seconds, the ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
48 votes
3 answers

Make titles clickable for reputation/badges blocks in profile page

On the profile's activity tab there are reputation and badges blocks: Could you please make these titles as clickable links to the corresponding tabs? Reputation Badges There is already link to the ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Make an OP close vote binding

I know you can close a question as a duplicate when a close vote has been cast but can an OP close vote be binding even when not closed as a duplicate.
Bob's user avatar
  • 11
23 votes
1 answer

Add guidance on Good Subjective answer citation to the help center

Good Subjective, Bad Subjective underpins the current network approach to subjective questions. It lays down the principles found at the bottom of What types of questions should I avoid asking? which ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
-16 votes
1 answer

Delete others' comments on my own post

If you use social media, you may know that all comments others posted on your own posts can be deleted by you if you see that it is unnecessary. I know StackExchange is not a social media system, but ...
user avatar

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