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Questions tagged [tag-warnings]

Tag warnings are popups that advise the asker on avoiding common mistakes when asking questions with certain tags.

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Warn after the first tag that one needs 300 points to create new tags

Warn after entering the first new tag that one needs 300 points to create new tags. Don't wait until the user is through filling in the tags and presses Post, before informing him or her that all ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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How do the tag warnings work in the "Review your question" sidebar?

About a year ago, the new ask question page was rolled out. The meta post states that sites can customize the review pane in various ways. Some of those ways include warnings for the body of the post ...
Radvylf Programs's user avatar
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How effective are tag warnings?

tag-warnings intend to warn users when they use certain tags. Is there any data on how effective those tag warnings are? A/B studies, before/after studies, or otherwise; do they have a significant ...
gerrit's user avatar
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How much are tag warnings used?

Although I'm reasonably experienced on Stack Exchange (8+ years of activity, 40 sites with 500+ reputation, 247k total rep) and have been a diamond moderator on one site for some 5 years, today I saw ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Give moderators the power to add tag warnings

Although I'm reasonably experienced on Stack Exchange (8+ years of activity, 40 sites with 500+ reputation, 247k total rep) and have been a diamond moderator on one site for some 5 years, today I saw ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Can we change when tag warnings display?

Tag warnings are meant to warn users of known, frequent pitfalls when posting certain content. They are crafted on a per-site basis with guidance specific to each situation. Tag warnings pop up (best ...
nitsua60's user avatar
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Why am I seeing tag warnings while editing?

Tag warnings (or "tag tips") are yellow warning boxes that pop up whenever you go to ask a question with a certain tag (e.g. [regex] or [sql] on Stack Overflow). See the feature request that ...
Laurel's user avatar
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How do "we" get a custom warning when asking a question on a Stack Exchange site? [duplicate]

When I ask a question on Stack Overflow with the tag of regex, Stack Overflow greets me with this custom warning: I'd love to create one of these for the pandas tag. I'm assuming this is a ...
piRSquared's user avatar
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What's the protocol for requesting a tag warning?

On a particular site, RPG Stack Exchange, we've decided on our meta on a couple of tags that should have tag warnings, and on what those tag warnings should say. I am a diamond moderator on the site ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
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Tag specific question requirements

On Graphic Design we currently have some handy tag-specific alerts when asking questions with certain tags. These are for certain problem questions that are only a good fit for the site if they follow ...
Cai's user avatar
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Tag warning only shown for a second when I post directly after adding tags

When I do the following: write the title and body of a question; go to the tag field; add a tag that triggers a tag warning; do not defocus the tag window; hit Post your question; then I only see ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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Automatic warnings of 'dangerous' tags

Earlier Shog posted this answer over on MSO about "Help the helpless with how-to-ask tag tips". Fortunately, he didn't use the suggested interface: But instead did something a bit more in line ...
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