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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Year Five is a Star Trek comic series published by IDW Publishing.



story number writer(s) artist(s) published cover(s)
"Odyssey's End" Issue 1 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Stephen Thompson 24 April 2019 Regular cover image. Retail incentive cover A. Retail incentive cover B. Diamond Retailer Summit exclusive cover image.
Issue 2 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Stephen Thompson 29 May 2019 Regular cover image. Retail incentive cover image.
"Communication Breakdown" Issue 3 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Stephen Thompson 3 July 2019 Regular cover image. Retail incentive cover image.
Issue 4 Brandon Easton Martin Coccolo 7 August 2019 Regular cover image. Retail incentive cover image.
"The Truth Artifact" Issue 5 Jody Houser Silvia Califano 21 August 2019 Regular cover image. Retail incentive cover image.
Issue 6 Jody Houser Silvia Califano 18 September 2019 Regular cover image. Retail incentive cover image. Autographed Eaglemoss/Hero Collector NYCC 2019 cover image.
"Trespasser" Issue 7 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Stephen Thompson 30 October 2019 ST year 5 7 ST year 5 7 RI ST year 5 7 GE
Issue 8 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Stephen Thompson 4 December 2019 ST year 5 8 ST year 5 8 RI
"The Wine-Dark Deep" Issue 9 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Silvia Califano 18 December 2019 ST year 5 9 ST year 5 9 RI
Issue 10 Jim McCann Silvia Califano 19 February 2020 Year 5 Issue 10 RI ST year 5 10
"Captains of Sea and War" Valentine's Day Special Paul Cornell Christopher Jones, Charlie Kirchoff 12 February 2020 ST year 5 0 ST Year 5 0 Valentine
"The Mission Who Walks Like a Man" Issue 11 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Stephen Thompson 3 June 2020 Year 5 Issue 11 Year 5 Issue 11B
Issue 12 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Kieran McKeown, Silvia Califano & Stephen Thompson 1 July 2020 Year 5 12 Year 5 12 RI
"Guide of Fire" Issue 13 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Angel Hernández 5 August 2020 Year 5 Issue 13 Year 5 Issue 13 RI
Issue 14 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly Angel Hernández 9 September 2020 Year Five Issue 14 Year Five Issue 14B
"Vote Mudd!" Issue 15

Jody Houser

Silvia Califano 28 October 2020 Year Five Issue 15 Year Five Issue 15 RI
Issue 16 Jody Houser Silvia Califano 11 November 2020 ST Year Five 16 ST Year Five 16 RI
"Weaker Than Man" Issue 17 Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly

J.K. Woodward

30 December 2020 ST Year Five 17 ST Year Five 17B
"On the Death of a Friend" Issue 18 Jim McCann Angel Hernández 6 January 2021 ST Year Five 18 ST Year Five 18B
Issue 19 Jim McCann Angel Hernández 17 February 2021 Year 5 19 Year 5 Issue 19 RI
"Under The Raptor's Wings" Issue 20 Brandon Easton

Silvia Califano

19 May 2021

Year Five 20 Year Five 20 RI
Issue 21

Brandon M. Easton

Silvia Califano 30 June 2021 Year Five 21
"A Crypt Called Ithaca" Issue 22 Jack Lanzing, Collin Kelly Stephen Thompson, Elizabetta D'Amico 7 July 2021 Year Five Issue 22 Year Five 22 alt
Issue 23 Jack Lanzing, Collin Kelly Stephen Thompson, Elisabetta D'Amico 28 July 2021 Year Five 23
Issue 24 Jack Lanzing, Collin Kelly Silvia Califano, Elizabetta D'Amico 15 September 2021 Year Five 24
"Epilogue" Issue 25 Jack Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Jody Houser, Paul Cornell, Jim McCann, Brandon Easton Carlos Nieto, Silvia Califano, Angel Hernandez, J.J. Lendl, Megan Levens, Christopher Jones 6 October 2021 Y5-25 Y5-25v



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