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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The first Deep Space Nine comic: Stowaway.

Comics based on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine were first published by Malibu when the series started and DC Comics were still publishing TNG and TOS comics.

Malibu ran a monthly series and produced numerous specials before Marvel eventually took over also producing a monthly series and including DS9 in their multi-series Telepathy War saga. The last Star Trek comics published by WildStorm were two miniseries which were part of the DS9 relaunch and a story in the Star Trek: Special.

A Deep Space Nine comic series by IDW Publishing was published in early 2010. The series had become "easily the most requested series" by IDW readers. [1]

In March 2009, the Best of DS9 omnibus was released as part of the Star Trek Archives series. This collected the first four DS9 comics.

List of Comics[]

Malibu Comics[]

Monthly Series[]

  1. Stowaway (part 1) by Mike W. Barr
  2. Stowaway (part 2) by Mike W. Barr
  3. Old Wounds by Mike W. Barr
  4. Emancipation (part 1) by Mike W. Barr
  5. Emancipation (part 2) by Mike W. Barr
  6. Field Trip by Mike W. Barr | Pickpocket by John Vornholt | "Program 359" by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows
  7. Working Vacation by Len Strazewski
  8. Requiem (part 1) by Mark A. Altman
  9. Requiem (part 2) | Hearts and Minds: Prelude by Mark A. Altman
  10. Descendants by Dan Mishkin
  11. A Short Fuse by Charles Marshall
  12. Baby on Board by Charles Marshall
  13. Lapse by Charles Marshall
  14. Dax's Comet, Part 1 by Jerry Bingham
  15. Dax's Comet, Part II by Jerry Bingham
  16. Shanghaied by John Vornholt
  17. Images by Laurie S. Sutton
  18. Hearts of Old by Laurie S. Sutton | War Games by Mark A. Altman
  19. Mission of Mercy by Dan Mishkin
  20. Last Remains by Dan Mishkin
  21. Fadeout by Dan Mishkin
  22. Deep Space Mine by Dan Mishkin
  23. The Secret of the Lost Orb: The Search by Dan Mishkin
  24. The Secret of the Lost Orb: Acceptable Losses by Dan Mishkin
  25. The Secret of the Lost Orb: Gods of War by Dan Mishkin
  26. Genesis Denied, Part I by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows | Mudd's Pets, Part I by Randy Lofficier and Jean-Marc Lofficier
  27. Genesis Denied, Part I by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows | Mudd's Pets, Part II by Randy Lofficier and Jean-Marc Lofficier
  28. Friend and Foe Alike by Dan Mishkin
  29. Sole Asylum (part 1) by Mark Paniccia | Enemies & Allies (part 1) by Mark Paniccia and Tim Russ
  30. Sole Asylum (part 2) by Mark Paniccia | Enemies & allies (part 2) by Mark Paniccia and Tim Russ
  31. Remembrance by Leonard Kirk | Rules of Behavior by Jason Levine
  32. Turn of the Tide by Colin Clayton and Chris Dows


  • January 1995
  • December 1995

One Spot Specials[]

  • December 1994
  • January 1995
  • August 1995
  • December 1995

Celebrity Series[]


Marvel Comics[]

Monthly Series[]

  1. "Judgment Day" by Howard Weinstein
  2. "Judgment Day, The Conclusion!" by Howard Weinstein
  3. "The Cancer Within, Part I" by Mariano Nicieza
  4. "The Cancer Within, Part II" by Mariano Nicieza
  5. "The Shadow Group" by Mariano Nicieza
  6. "Risk, Part One" by Howard Weinstein
  7. "Risk, The Conclusion" by Howard Weinstein
  8. "Public Enemies, Private Lives" by Mariano Nicieza
  9. "Public Enemies, Private Lives, Conclusion" by Mariano Nicieza
  10. "Lwaxana Troi and the Wedding of Doom" by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
  11. "Four Funerals and a Wedding" by Michael Martin and Andy Mangels
  12. Telepathy War Part 2: "Command Decisions" by Michael Martin and Andy Mangels
  13. Telepathy War Part 3: "Day of Honor" by Michael Martin and Andy Mangels
  14. "Nobody Knows the Tribbles I've Seen" by Michael Martin and Andy Mangels
  15. "Requiem in Obsidian" by Michael Martin and Andy Mangels

WildStorm Comics[]

IDW Publishing[]


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine comics
Malibu Comics Monthly series "Hostage Situation" • ""Stowaway, Part I" • "Stowaway, Part II" • "Old Wounds" • "Emanicipation, Part I" • Emancipation, Part II) • 6 ("Field Trip" • "Pickpocket" • "Program 359") • "Working Vacation" • "Requiem" • 9 ("Requiem II" • "Prelude") • "Descendants" • "A Short Fuse" • "Baby on Board" • "Lapse" • "Dax's Comet, Part 1" • "Dax's Comet, Part II") • "Shanghaied" • "Images" • 18 ("Hearts of Old" • "War Games") • "Mission of Mercy" • "Last Remains" • "Fadeout" • "Deep Space Mine" • The Secret of the Lost Orb ("The Search" • "Acceptable Losses" • "Gods of War") • 26/27 ("Genesis Denied, Part I" • "Genesis Denied, Part II" • "Mudd's Pets, Part I" • "Mudd's Pets, Part II") • "Friend and Foe Alike" • 29/30 ("Sole Asylum" • "Enemies & Allies") • 31 ("Remembrance" • "Rules of Behavior") • "Turn of the Tide"
Annuals The Looking Glass WarUltimate Annual ("No Time Like the Present" • "The Nagus's New Clothes" • "Small Victory")
One-shots LightstormTerok NorDeep Space Nine Special ("Collision Course" • "Frozen Boyhood" • "Oaths" • "Honor" • "Dangerous Times") • Worf Special ("Bonds of Honor" • "Unhappy Trails")
Celebrity series "Blood and Honor" • "The Rules of Diplomacy"
Mini-series Hearts and Minds ("For the Glory of the Empire" • "On the Edge of Armageddon" • "Into the Abyss" • "Masters of War") • The Landmark Crossover ("Prophets and Losses" • "The Wormhole Trap!" • "Encounter with... the Othersiders!" • "The Enemy Unseen") • The Maquis: Soldier of Peace ("Vacation's Over" • "Memoirs of an Invisible Ferengi" • "Rats in a Maze" • "A Tree Grows on Bajor" • "Victims of Deceit")
Marvel-Paramount Comics Monthly series "Judgment Day" • "Judgment Day, The Conclusion!" • "The Cancer Within, Part I" • "The Cancer Within, Part II" • "The Shadow Group" • "Risk" • "Public Enemies, Private Lives" • "Lwaxana Troi and the Wedding of Doom" • "Four Funerals and a Wedding" • "Command Decisions" • "Day of Honor" • "Nobody Knows the Tribbles I've Seen" • "Requiem in Obsidian"
Starfleet Academy "Prime Directives" • "Liberty" • "Loyalty Test" • "War and Peace" • "Love and Death" • "Passages" • "Hide and Seek" • "" • "Return to the Forbidden Planet" • "A Prelude to War" • "Judgment" • "Renegades" • "Parents' Day" • "Betrayal" • "Origins" • "The Fall" • "Culture Clash" • "mangHom qaD" • "Between Love and Hate"
Unlimited "Heart of Darkness" • "The Warrior"
one-shot "Reality's End"
WildStorm Comics N-VectorDivided We Fall ("Crossfire" • "No Quarter" • "All Fall Down" • "United We Stand") • Star Trek: Special ("When the Stars Come A-Calling")
IDW Publishing "Alien Spotlight: Cardassians" • Fool's Gold (1234) • Waypoint ("Mother's Walk" • "Frontier Doctor" • "Only You Can Save Yourself" • "The First Year") • Too Long a Sacrifice (1234) • ST - Aliens comic: "Ferengi" • "Soldier On"
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine comic omnibuses
Boxtree Deep Space NineEmancipation and BeyondRequiemHearts and MindsDax's CometThe Maquis: Soldier of PeaceShanghaiedLightstorm/Terok Nor
Titan Books The Landmark Crossover
WildStorm Comics Other Realities
Graphic Imaging Technologies The Complete Comic Book Collection
IDW Publishing Best of DS9Fool's GoldToo Long a SacrificeThe Dog of War
Star Trek comics
By publisher Gold KeyMarvelDCMalibuWildStormTokyoPopIDW

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine DS9title
EpisodesComicsGamesNovelsRelaunchShort StoriesYoung Adult Books