Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Spectrum War is six-part comic miniseries produced jointly by IDW Publishing and DC Comics, starting in July 2015. The series was written by Mike Johnson with art by Angel Hernandez. The series is a crossover between Star Trek: The Original Series and DC's Green Lantern franchise.


USS Enterprise crewmembers meet Hal Jordan and the entire Green Lantern Corps in an adventure that spans space, time and all the colors of the spectrum. Set in Star Trek's 23rd century, the balance of the universe will be tested when the Green Lantern Corps' power rings come into the possession of certain Star Trek characters while a dark and powerful evil looms around every corner. Only the combined power of the Green Lantern Corps and the Federation stand any chance of stopping those who worship evil's might.


Star Trek/Green Lantern crossover series
Volume 1: The Spectrum War Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5Issue 6
Volume 2: Stranger Worlds Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5Issue 6

Cover gallery[]

number writer(s) artist(s) published cover(s)
Issue 1 Mike Johnson Angel Hernandez July 2015 Regular (Cover A) Cover B Cover C Sketch Cover Subscription Cover BAM!/2nd & Charles Exclusive Cover BAM!/2nd & Charles Exclusive Sketch Cover Boston Comic Con Exclusive Cover CBLDF Exclusive Cover Connecticut Comicon Exclusive Cover Comic Block Exclusive Cover Dynamic Forces Exclusive Cover Dynamic Forces Exclusive Black & White Cover Emerald City Exclusive Cover Game Stop Exclusive Cover Hastings Entertainment Exclusive Cover Newbury Comics Exclusive Cover SDCC IDW Comic Convention Exclusive Cover SDCC Previews Exclusive Connecting A SDCC Previews Exclusive Connecting B ThinkGeek Exclusive Cover Four Color Grails Exclusive Cover VA Comicon Exclusive Cover 2nd Printing Cover 3rd Printing Cover
Issue 2 Mike Johnson Angel Hernandez August 2015 Regular Cover Cover B Subscription Cover
Issue 3 Mike Johnson Angel Hernandez September 2015 Regular Cover Cover B Subscription Cover
Issue 4 Mike Johnson Angel Hernandez October 2015 Regular Cover Cover B Subscription Cover
Issue 5 Mike Johnson Angel Hernandez November 2015 Regular Cover Cover B Subscription Cover
Issue 6 Mike Johnson Angel Hernandez December 2015 Regular Cover Cover B Subscription Cover



Stories set in the Kelvin timeline
comics When Worlds Collide: Spock Confronts the Ultimate ChallengeNero (1234) • Starfleet Academy (12345) • Star Trek Movie Adaptation (123456) • IDW Star Trek: Volume 1 (Where No Man Has Gone Before: 1, 2The Galileo Seven: 1, 2) • Volume 2 (Operation: Annihilate: 1, 2Vulcan's Vengeance: 1, 2) • Volume 3 (The Return of the Archons: 1, 2The Truth About Tribbles: 1, 2) • Volume 4 (1314Mirrored: 1, 2) • Volume 5 (17181920) • Countdown to Darkness (1234) • Volume 6 (After Darkness: 1, 2, 324) • Volume 7: The Khitomer Conflict (1234) • Khan (12345) • Volume 8 (Parallel Lives: 1, 2I, Enterprise!: 1, 2Lost Apollo: 1, 2) • Volume 9: The Q Gambit (123456) • Volume 10 (Behemoth: 1, 2Eurydice: 1, 2, 3Volume 11 (The Tholian Webs: 1, 2Deity: 12Flesh & Stone) • The Spectrum War (123456) • Volume 12 (Live Evil: 123Reunion: 12) • Volume 13 (Legacy of Spock: 1234Connection: 12) • Manifest Destiny (1234) • Stranger Worlds (123456) • Boldly Go: Volume 1 (123456) • Volume 2 (789101112) • Volume 3: IDIC (123456) • "Meanwhile..." • "The Knight Errand"
novels Star TrekStarfleet Academy (The Delta AnomalyThe EdgeThe Gemini AgentThe Assassination Game) • Into DarknessThe Unsettling StarsMore Beautiful Than Death
video games Delta Vega: Meltdown on the Ice PlanetAcademy TrainerCadet Training FacilityD-A-CRace to DestinyThe Mobile GameStar TrekRivalsDark Remnant
board games Expeditions live-action shorts Transporter CommercialBrilliant Enterprise CommercialCollision insurance commercialBold Explorers
websites Starfleet ShipyardDossiersExperience The Enterprise apps Star Trek App
prequels in original timeline Countdown (1234)
IDW Publishing miniseries
TOS Klingons: Blood Will TellYear FourThe Enterprise ExperimentAssignment: EarthMirror ImagesRomulans: The Hollow CrownCrewMission's EndThe Wrath of KhanRomulans: SchismLeonard McCoy, Frontier DoctorBurden of KnowledgeKhan: Ruling in HellInfestationStar Trek—Legion of Super-HeroesHarlan Ellison's The City on the Edge of ForeverThe Primate DirectiveStar Trek vs. TransformersThe Motion Picture: Echoes IDW bulb
Star Trek (2009) tie-in: CountdownSpock: ReflectionsNeroThe Official Motion Picture AdaptationCountdown to DarknessKhanStarfleet AcademyThe Spectrum WarManifest DestinyStranger Worlds
TNG The Space BetweenIntelligence GatheringThe Last GenerationGhostsAssimilation²HiveDeviationsMirror BrokenThrough the MirrorTerra IncognitaThe Mirror WarWarriors of the Mirror WarHolo-Ween
DS9 Fool's GoldToo Long a SacrificeThe Dog of War
VOY Seven's Reckoning
DSC The Light of KahlessSuccessionAftermathAdventures in the 32nd Century
PIC Picard: CountdownStargazer
LD Lower Decks
SNW The Illyrian EnigmaThe Scorpius Run
Other TurnaroundAlien SpotlightAlien Spotlight IICaptain's LogWaypointThe Q ConflictAliensResurgenceDefiantPicard's AcademySons of Star Trek
Crossover comics
DC Comics Star Trek-Legion of Super-Heroes (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3issue 4Issue 5)
Green Lantern The Spectrum War (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5Issue 6) • Stranger Worlds (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5Issue 6)
Marvel Comics X-Men (Star TreXSecond Contact)
IDW Publishing
Doctor Who Assimilation² (Volume 1: Isssue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Volume 2: Issue 5Issue 6Issue 7Issue 8)
Transformers Star Trek vs. Transformers (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5)
BOOM! Studios The Primate Directive (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5)

External links[]
