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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Spock vs. Q is the first of two audio stories in which a time traveling Spock encounters Q on Earth in 1999. Leonard Nimoy and John de Lancie recorded their performances live on stage. The story was released by Simon & Schuster Audio in November 1999.


From the back cover
At the end of the twentieth century, an asteroid is hurtling toward Earth. When it hits, the impact will result in the end of all life on the planet.
Ambassador Spock travels back in time to subtly warn Earth's inhabitants of impending doom while calling into question humanity's priorities. However, before the truth is told, the all powerful being Q appears and reminds Spock that he is prohibited from interfering in Earth's history. Besides, Q doesn't see mankind as something worth saving.
The initial encounter between the two legendary characters explodes into a battle of wits as Spock cleverly befuddles Q with his own words. As barbs are exchanged, and humanity's laws and wonders are laid bare, Spock's logic just may convince Q that humans are indeed a species worthy of salvation, but will he be too late?
In SPOCK VS. Q, Leonard Nimoy and John de Lancie again bring their characters to glorious life in the most lively and entertaining debate since Nixon vs. Kennedy. Recorded in front of a live audience, SPOCK VS. Q is a stirring audio program that could only come from Alien Voices.


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Q • Spock
Referenced only
Archimedes • Athena • Nicolaus Copernicus • Christopher Columbus • Marcus Licinius Crassus • Marie Curie • Albert Einstein • Alexander Fleming • Galileo Galilei • Amanda Grayson • Guardian of Forever • Homer • Edward Lorenz • Leonard McCoy • John Morley • Alexander Pope • Jerry Seinfeld • William Shakespeare • V'Ger • Zeus

Starships and vehicles[]

Referenced only
automobile • canoe • USS Enterprise • homeric ship • race car • rocket • train


Earth • the galaxy
Referenced only
Alpha Centauri • Giza • Great Pyramids • The Imperial City • India • Mediterranean Sea • Montana • New York (Chrysler Building) • Pluto • Serengeti • Sistine Chapel • Stonehenge • Uranus • Vulcan

Races and cultures[]

Human (Egyptian • Greek • Japanese • Phoenician) • Q • Vulcan

States and organizations[]

Federation • Q Continuum • Starfleet

Science and classification[]

abacus • computer • discus • fusion power • helmet • mathematics • microphone • microscope • needle • nuclear energy • pump • weapon

Materials and substances[]

aluminum • anthrax • crystal • gas • glass • gold • mineral • paper • papyrus • penicillin • radium • rock • soap • tobacco

Foods and beverages[]

beer • cotton candy • hot dog • ketchup • martini • nachos • peanut butter • sugar


animal • beaver • bird • brontosaurus • butterfly • dinosaur • dodo • dog • eagle • fish • flower • grunion • humpback whale • lion • owl • polar bear • sabertooth tiger • slug • vegetable • zebra

Ranks and titles[]

ambassador • physician • science officer • troubadour

Other references[]

10th century • 13th century • 17th century • 20th century • 2028 • All Quiet on the Western Front • art • arthritis • asteroid • auction • autograph • beach • blackjack • book • Brandenburg Concerto • brewery • button • century • Chaos theory • checkers • chess • chopstick • coin • communication • decade • drachma • The Dying Swan • egg • emotion • energy • entropy • extinction • fire • forest • French language • galaxy • General Theory of Relativity • golf • gravity • haiku • Hallmark • Hey Jude • history • ice cap • internet • irrigation • Jupiter Symphony • katra • kite • lab coat • language • life • light year • logic • love • Magna Carta • Medieval • mind meld • mine • minute • money • mountain • nanosecond • newspaper • Noh theatre • ocean • Odyssey • Olympics • omnipotence • ozone layer • periodic table • planet • poem • poetry • pon farr • Prime Directive • rain • religion • Roman Empire • Romeo and Juliet • science • slinky • sports and games • star • The Starry Night • stream • T-shirt • Thanksgiving • time • toilet • ultraviolet radiation • universe



Star Trek: The Original Series audiobooks
Peter Pan Records "Passage to Moauv" • "In Vino Veritas" • "The Crier in Emptiness" • "The Time Stealer" • "To Starve a Fleaver" • "The Logistics of Stampede" • "A Mirror for Futility" • "The Man Who Trained Meteors" • "The Robot Masters" • "Dinosaur Planet" • "The Human Factor"
Captain Sulu Adventures Cacophony • Envoy • Transformations
Alien Voices Spock vs. Q • Spock vs. Q: The Sequel
Adaptations Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home • Strangers from the Sky • Enterprise: The First Adventure • Web of the Romulans • The Entropy Effect • Yesterday's Son • Time for Yesterday • Final Frontier • Spock's World • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier • The Lost Years • The Kobayashi Maru • Prime Directive • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country • Probe • Faces of Fire • Best Destiny • Windows on a Lost World • Shadows on the Sun • Sarek • Federation • The Ashes of Eden • The Return • Avenger • Vulcan's Forge • Spectre • Dark Victory • Vulcan's Heart • Preserver • The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1 • The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2 • The Last Roundup • Captain's Peril • Exodus • Captain's Blood • Captain's Glory • Exiles • Epiphany • Star Trek


published order
Previous audiobook:
first Star Trek production
Audiobooks (Alien Voices) Next audiobook:
Spock vs. Q: The Sequel
chronological order
Previous adventure:
Strange New Worlds II
Pocket Books Timeline Next adventure:
Spock vs. Q: The Sequel
Previous adventure:
Second Contact
Memory Beta Chronology Next adventure:
Spock vs. Q: The Sequel

External Links[]
