Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

El-Baz shuttle.

The El-Baz was a Type-15 shuttlepod attached to the USS Enterprise-D. It was named for Farouk El-Baz. (ST website:; TNG episode: "Time Squared")

History and disposition[]

In 2365, the El-Baz was discovered adrift in the Endicor system with a duplicate Captain Jean-Luc Picard, having escaped the Enterprise's destruction several hours in the future to warn his past self. (TNG episode: "Time Squared")

The next year, an engineering team realigned the magnetic inducer on the starboard warp nacelle of the pod. (TNG episode: "Transfigurations")



2369 saw Crosis and Data used the shuttle to escape the Enterprise in order to meet up with Lore and the rogue Borg. (ST website:

In 2370, when Guinan was about to meet her counterpart in an alternate timeline caused when Montgomery Scott traveled back in time to save James T. Kirk from the Nexus, Captain Picard recalled that meeting and wondered what the chronometric radiation readings might have been. (ST novel: Engines of Destiny)



USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) auxiliary craft
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Shuttlecraft 02 • Shuttlecraft 04 • Shuttlecraft 05 • Shuttlecraft 13 • Ansel Adams • Berman • Calypso • Campbell • Decartes • Christopher • Cochrane • Collins • Copernicus • Curie • El-Baz • Albert Einstein • Fermi • Feynman • Sam Freedle • Galileo • Goddard • Goodall • Gould • Hawking (I) • Hawking (II) • Hoyle • Indiana Jones • Justman • Kirk • Lewis • Ley • Magellan 15 • Magellan 5 • Nadir • Nameme • Isaac Newton • Onizuka • Pike (I) • Pike (II) • Piller • Polo • Pontiac • Rahjah • Sakharov • Voltaire Seal of the Federation Starfleet.

External link[]
