Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Fleet Admiral Zus Tlaggul was a decorated male Tellarite Starfleet flag officer who lived during the mid-23rd century.

In 2259, Zus Tlaggul served as space command representative on the tribunal overseeing the court martial of Illyrian Lieutenant Commander Una Chin-Riley, who was charged with sedition and violation of Starfleet regulations. Despite the evidence against her, the tribunal, made up of Tlaggul, Starfleet Commander Chiv, and Admiral Javas, found Chin-Riley not guilty on all charges, on the defense that she was seeking asylum from genetically-motivated persecution. (SNW: "Ad Astra per Aspera")

Zus Tlaggul was played by David Benjamin Tomlinson.

Tlaggul's rank is assumed based on his epaulets. In dialogue, he is referred to as "admiral," the correct way to address all officers with a rank of rear admiral or above.
