Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Sedition, or inciting rebellion, was the criminal act of encouraging individuals to disobey the ruling government.

In 2259, Lieutenant Commander Una Chin-Riley was charged with knowingly submitting false information to Starfleet, violation of Starfleet Regulation 614617, which prohibited Starfleet officers from engaging in permanent bioengineering, and two counts of sedition. (SNW: "Ad Astra per Aspera")

In 2370, Miles O'Brien was found guilty of aiding and abetting seditious acts by a Cardassian court, a crime punishable by death. (DS9: "Tribunal")

In 2372, Ee'char guessed that O'Brien had been incarcerated in the Argrathi prison for sedition. (DS9: "Hard Time")

After Quark had his license revoked in 2372, his mother, Ishka, the following year, took it upon herself to ask Grand Nagus Zek to reinstate it, and for her efforts, he accused her of "plotting to overthrow the government", before ending their relationship. (DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs")

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