Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

West was one of four cardinal directions on a compass, the opposite to east.

In 1986, Spock reported that the HMS Bounty was moving towards the west coast of North America (i.e. San Francisco). (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

In 2004, after Captain Jonathan Archer attacked the Xindi in a Detroit warehouse, the surviving Xindi fled to the west door. They were heading to the west alley north of a main building. (ENT: "Carpenter Street")

In 2151, Captain Jonathan Archer attempted to land Shuttlepod 2 two kilometers west of a cave, which had become a shelter for Trip Tucker and T'Pol from a storm, on Archer IV, but was forced to abandon the effort after the pod was damaged. (ENT: "Strange New World")

Later that year, while stuck in Shuttlepod 1 with Malcolm Reed, who was trying to calculate how long they'd be without air until Enterprise NX-01 came back for them, Trip Tucker recalled that type of math problem typified by the question "a train leaves New York at three AM heading west, while another leaves Chicago at four thirty heading east." He recalled never being able to figure out those kinds of problems. (ENT: "Shuttlepod One")

In 2152, according to Vulcan intelligence, after occupying the deserted Weytahn settlement, the Andorian regimental commander Shran established a command post here. It was to the west of the old residential quarter. (ENT: "Cease Fire")

In 2270, Lieutenant Nyota Uhura informed Captain James T. Kirk of an anomaly that Arex had been tracking on Delta Theta III, which was several thousand kilometers west of the landing party's position. (TAS: "Bem")

In the 24th century, during the Occupation of Bajor, the Cardassians diverted the Glyrhond River for use in their mining operations. This action moved the flow of the river twenty kilometers to the west of its former position and changed the riverine border between Paqu and Navot so that the it was now twenty kilometers into the latter's territory. (DS9: "The Storyteller")

In 2366, trader Kivas Fajo poisoned the water supply of the Federation colony on Beta Agni II with artificial tricyanate. He added the tricyanate crystals to the subsurface water found inside a cave that was located eight kilometers west of the colony. (TNG: "The Most Toys")

In 2368, Ensign Ro Laren suggested to Captain Jean-Luc Picard that he should tell Admiral Kennelly to request a room in the east wing of the Starfleet stockade on Jaros II. The reason for the request would be that the west wing got "awfully hot" in the afternoon. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")

In 2371, an away team from the USS Voyager discovered there was a geological shift in a cave system on Avery III when they compared the initial geological scan with the most recent scan. A tunnel had shifted almost seventy five degrees, trapping an earlier away team who were subsequently captured by the Vidiians. (VOY: "Faces")

In 2372, after crashing a shuttle on "Planet Hell", Ensign Thomas Paris and Neelix began looking for cover from the dangerous trigemic vapors. From their position at the crash site, Paris picked up caves about a kilometer west of them, where they later took shelter. (VOY: "Parturition")

In 2375, on AR-558, with mountains to the west and the east, Jem'Hadar soldiers had to travel through a ravine to get to the Federation base camp. The Federation soldiers placed "Houdinis" (subspace anti-personnel mines) in this ravine and reprogrammed the devices to trigger by movement, resulting in about a third of the Jem'Hadar force being killed. (DS9: "The Siege of AR-558")

In 2376, in holographic program Paris 042, Seamus informed Thomas Paris that a storm brewing in the west was heading to Fair Haven. (VOY: "Fair Haven")

Later that year, on the Brunali homeworld, Leucon guided his son Icheb on a tour of the night sky. The father directed his son's attention to the western sky, where he pointed out the Orlitus Cluster and, above it, the Great Horn. (VOY: "Child's Play")


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