Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of unnamed Malcorians.

Cabinet ministers []

These two ministers served in the cabinet forming the government of Malcor III in 2367. They were present when Chancellor Avel Durken discussed further actions with his ministers including Mirasta Yale and Krola. (TNG: "First Contact")

They were identified as cabinet ministers by the call sheet. They filmed their scenes on Wednesday 5 December 1990 on Paramount Stage 9.

The dress worn by McConnell was previously worn by Juli Donald in her role of Tayna in the third season episode "A Matter of Perspective" and was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1]

Chancellor's assistant []

The chancellor's assistant informed Chancellor Avel Durken that Mirasta Yale and a stranger wanted to meet him shortly before Yale and Captain Picard entered his office. (TNG: "First Contact")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover. Scripted as "Male Com Voice", said voice was provided by an unknown actor.

Civilians []

Malcor III

Several civilians

These civilians were seen outside several buildings in a city on Malcor III in 2367. (TNG: "First Contact")

These civilians were computer-generated and added into the matte painting.

Cook []

This cook worked at the Marta community eating establishment located at the address where "Rivas Jakara" claimed to live.

In 2367, the restaurant was contacted by Doctor Berel to confirm Jakara's identity, and the cook claimed, rightfully so, that he had never heard of Jakara. (TNG: "First Contact")

This cook was only mentioned in dialogue.

Doctors []

These three doctors worked at the medical facility where Commander William T. Riker was treated following his accident in 2367. They witnessed Riker's try to escape from the hospital. (TNG: "First Contact")

The three background performers filmed their scenes on Friday 7 December 1990 and Monday 10 December 1990 on Paramount Stage 16.

Durken's family []

Avel Durken had a wife and two daughters, whom he described as "loving" and "beautiful", respectively. They ate their evening meals together after he came home from work - something he considered important - and would often ask him about his day.

Upon realizing for the first time that Malcorians were not alone in the universe after encountering members of USS Enterprise-D's crew, he related this to Jean-Luc Picard. When Picard asked him how he would answer their question, he responded, "I will have to say this morning, I was the leader of the universe as I knew it. This afternoon, I am only a voice in a chorus. But I think it was a good day." (TNG: "First Contact")

These Malcorians were only mentioned in dialogue.

Guard []

Malcorian guard

A guard

This guard was posted to the hospital where Commander Riker was brought after an accident while disguised as Rivas Jakara. After the hospital staff learned that he was no Malcorian this guard stood outside Riker's room.

When Nurse Lanel helped Riker escape, she sent this guard away. After Riker was identified by other hospital staff members during his breakout, this guard came back and was knocked unconscious by Riker. (TNG: "First Contact")

This guard was played by regular stunt performer Chris Doyle, who received no credit for this appearance.

Doyle filmed his scenes on Friday 7 December 1990 on Paramount Stage 16.

Hospital com voices []

A male and a female employees used the com system in the hospital where Commander Riker was treated. They called for medical personnel. (TNG: "First Contact")

The voices were provided by an unknown voice actress and an unknown voice actor.

Jakara's father[]

Jakara's neighbors[]

Medical technicians []

These three medical technicians worked at the medical facility where Commander William T. Riker was treated following his accident in 2367. They witnessed Riker's try to escape from the hospital. One of them stopped Riker and knocked him to the ground. As a result, Riker's internal wounds began to bleed. (TNG: "First Contact")

All three filmed their scenes on Friday 7 December 1990 and the two background performers returned on Monday 10 December 1990. The scenes were filmed on Paramount Stage 16.

Nurses []

These two nurses worked at the medical facility where Commander William T. Riker was treated following his accident in 2367. They witnessed Riker's try to escape from the hospital. (TNG: "First Contact")

Both background actresses filmed their scenes on Friday 7 December 1990 and Tuesday 11 December 1990 on Paramount Stage 16.

Vice-chancellor []

The vice-chancellor served under Chancellor Avel Durken in 2367. When the chancellor learned that Minister Mirasta Yale, the Space Administrator of the Space Bureau, wished to introduce him to "someone", Durken told his receptionist to "[c]all her back and see if the vice-chancellor will do..." in his place. (TNG: "First Contact")

This vice-chancellor was only mentioned in dialogue.

Yale's parents []

Mirasta Yale's parents took her to a planetarium when she was a small child. She fondly remembered sitting in the dark with them and imagining she was in a spaceship travelling to other planets. (TNG: "First Contact")

These parents were only mentioned in dialogue.
