Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
MA PRO star
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.
"Starfleet captains are like children. They want everything right now and they want it their way, but the secret is to give them only what they need, not what they want."

In the history of Starfleet, many officers held the rank of captain or held the title of captain while commanding starships.

According to Travis Mayweather, Matthew Ryan spent more time in space than most Starfleet Captains. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

List of prime reality captains[]

Senior captains[]

Starfleet flag officers sometimes retained or took command of a vessel. Most often, these officers held the rank of commodore, but there were instances of admirals operating as starship captains.


The substantive rank of captain was typically held by officers captaining starships. Officers of this rank also sometimes served in other capacities, such as in command of starbases or divisions of support personnel (such as JAG officers or members of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers), or as members of experimental engineering programs.

22nd century[]

23rd century[]

24th century[]

25th century[]

29th century[]

31st century[]

32nd century[]

33rd century[]

Junior captains[]

According to the rules of naval parlance, a person of any officer rank could be addressed as captain if they were assigned as sole commanding officer of any starship. Captains could also have been awarded provisional (brevet) ranks or field promotions to be accorded the title of captain.

Unnamed captains[]

Saratoga captain, 2286

Saratoga captain (2286)

List of alternate reality captains[]

Alternate reality
(split 2233)

Senior captain[]

Starfleet flag officers sometimes retained or took command of a vessel.


The substantive rank of captain was typically held by officers captaining starships. Officers of this rank also sometimes served in other capacities, such as members of experimental engineering programs.

Junior captains[]

According to the rules of naval parlance, a person of any officer rank could be addressed as captain if they were assigned as sole commanding officer of any starship. Captains may have also been awarded field promotions to be accorded the title of captain.

Unnamed captains[]

List of mirror universe captains[]

Mirror universe
(coexisting on another dimensional plane)


De facto captain (not recognized by the Terran Empire)[]

Unnamed captain[]

ISS Avenger

List of parallel universe captains[]

Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

A list of captains seen in alternate timelines and parallel universes:

Senior captain[]

In at least one parallel universe, Starfleet flag officers sometimes retained or took command of a vessel.

