Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MA 2009
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.

The reserve activation clause was a Starfleet regulation which was in force during the 2250s and 2270s. Described as "little-known" and "seldom-used", the clause stated that "An officer in good standing may reinstate a discharged officer in an emergency." (ST: "Ask Not"; Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

In the 2250s, during a simulated Tholian attack designed to test Cadet Thira Sidhu's decision-making abilities in a crisis, Captain Christopher Pike (who had supposedly been relieved of duty for mutiny) suggested that Sidhu use the reserve activation clause to restore him to duty. Sidhu dismissed it as a loophole. (ST: "Ask Not")

In the mid-2270s, Fleet Admiral Nogura, at the request of Rear Admiral James T. Kirk, recalled the retired Dr. Leonard McCoy to active duty in Starfleet using the reserve activation clause. Upon reporting to the USS Enterprise, McCoy angrily explained his recall to Kirk by claiming, "In simpler language, captain, they drafted me!" (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

In early 2385, after the Attack on Mars, Starfleet used the reserve activation clause to recall the just-retired Kathryn Janeway, among other officers. (PRO: "Ouroboros, Part II")

William T. Riker went into active reserve following his command of the USS Titan and was called back into action to assist the planet Coppelius against a Zhat Vash attack. (PIC: "Nepenthe", "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2")
