Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Communications was a course taught at Starfleet Academy. The focus of this class was training cadets in communications.

In the 23rd century, Cadets Christopher Pike and Una Chin-Riley completed this course, earning a grade of "A". (DIS: "Brother"; SNW: "Ad Astra per Aspera") Cadet Spock, as well, completed this course, earning a grade of "A+" (SNW: "Among the Lotus Eaters", display graphic)

In 2285, the course instructor was Captain M. Becker. The course and its instructor were listed on a directory placard located on the second level of a Starfleet Training Command building. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

This course was only mentioned in writing.

The placard was sold on It's A Wrap! sale and auction for US$31.99. [1]
