Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ensign Asif was a Male Human Starfleet command division junior officer who lived during the late 24th century.

In 2380, he served aboard the USS Cerritos under Captain Carol Freeman, and was assigned to delta shift. (LD: "Terminal Provocations") As a prodigy, he was one of the youngest ensigns aboard the Cerritos. (LD: "Caves")

In 2381, Asif was near his bunk when Captain Freeman announced to the crew that all hands were to report to their commanding officers to assist in removing the deck plates from the Cerritos in order to save the USS Archimedes. (LD: "First First Contact")

Later that year, he plotted with Karavitus and Moxy to rig the algorithm for the room lottery to get better quarters on Deck 4. (LD: "Room for Growth")

Later still, Asif, Karavitus, and Amadou took part in an away mission on Glish led by Lieutenant jg Beckett Mariner. However, Mariner was forced to crash land their shuttlecraft into a cave when it was hit by a magnetic anomaly. Asif broke his leg in the landing. The cave contained deposits of pergium which was needed to restore the shuttle's power. Unfortunately, to get to the pergium, they needed to negotiate the biotemporal flux from a mineral vein that emitted chronitons. Since the chronitons facilitated the aging process, Asif was ordered to obtain the mineral since he was the youngest. Unfortunately, the chronitons caused his leg to heal incorrectly and fall off. After Ensign Amadou obtained some pergium from a separate vein, Mariner assured an upset Asif that Dr. T'Ana would be able to grow him a new leg. (LD: "Caves")

Asif was voiced by Asif Ali in "Terminal Provocations", "Room for Growth" and "Caves", the three episodes where the character had dialogue.

His name was first mentioned on-screen in "Caves", but was initially revealed on [1].
