Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ensign Amadou was a male Human Starfleet engineer who served aboard the USS Cerritos as a member of delta shift. He was a lower decker who slept in LD sleeping quarters bunk A13009. He wore an eyepatch.

In 2380, he was lying in his bunk when Asif and Karavitus were confronted by Ensigns Beckett Mariner, Brad Boimler, and Fletcher. (LD: "Terminal Provocations")

The following year, he was sitting in his bunk in the ld sleeping quarters when Captain Carol Freeman ordered the crew to report to their supervisors to assist in removing the Cerritos' hull plating. (LD: "First First Contact")

He later interacted with Asif, Karavitus, and Moxy after the latter three had won the room lottery through the illicit use of an air gapped terminal. (LD: "Room for Growth")

Later still, he accompanied Asif and Karavitus on an away mission to Glish led by Lieutenant jg Beckett Mariner. En route, Mariner was forced to crash land their shuttlecraft into a cave when it was hit by a magnetic anomaly. The cave contained deposits of pergium which was needed to restore the shuttle's power. Unfortunately, to get to the pergium, they needed to negotiate the biotemporal flux from a mineral vein that emitted chronitons, which caused rapid aging. While Mariner, Karavitus, and Asif struggled to reach the pergium mine, Amadou obtained pergium from another mine where the chroniton's affects caused him to get younger. (LD: "Caves")

Amadou was voiced by Zach Cherry in "Caves".
