Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ensign Moxy was a female humanoid sciences division junior officer who served aboard the USS Cerritos under Captain Carol Freeman during the early 2380s.

In 2380, Moxy was a lower decker assigned to Delta shift who had bunk A13011 in LD sleeping quarters. In 2380, she was laying in her bunk when Asif and Karavitus were confronted by Beckett Mariner, Brad Boimler, and Fletcher. (LD: "Terminal Provocations")

In 2381, she was sitting in her bunk when Captain Carol Freeman ordered to the to report to their supervisors to assist in removing the Cerritos' hull plating. (LD: "First First Contact")

Later that year, she joined Asif and Karavitus with their plot to rig the algorithm for the room lottery to get better quarters on Deck 4. (LD: "Room for Growth")



Background information[]

Moxy was voiced by Charlotte Nicdao in "Room for Growth". Her name was not spoken on screen, but rather appears in the same episode's closed captions, as well as in the official Paramount promotional screen grabs.
