World Renderer 1.7.1 [Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 / NeoForge 1.20.4]

Supported MCreator versions
Tags / plugin type
Global triggers
World Renderer
Upvotes: 86
About the plugin

World Renderer stopped supports for Forge 1.14.4 / 1.15.2 / 1.16.5 / 1.17.1 / 1.18.2


This plugin allows you to render objects on the sky and world

Event triggers

World Renderer can render objects using event triggers and procedures.

  • "Compute FOV"
  • "Compute camera angles"
  • "Compute fog color"
  • "Render clouds"
  • "Render fog"
  • "Render models"
  • "Render overlays"
  • "Render shapes"
  • "Render sky"
  • "Render texts"
  • "Render weather"
  • "Set weather particles and sounds"
  • "Set up dimensions"


How to use




Some fixes and improvements

Fixed some bugs



Added procedures and an event trigger to render overlays

Event trigger "Graphics - Render shapes" can render overlays

Added procedure templates for overlays

Some fixes and improvements

Fixed some bugs



This plugin supports Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 / NeoForge 1.20.4

Source code repository:

World Renderer -

Custom Sky Plugin -

MIT License

Plugin downloads
World Renderer 1.7.1 for MCreator 2024.1 - Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 / NeoForge 1.20.4 - WorldRenderer-1.7.1-2024.1-1.19.2-1.19.4-1.20.1-1.20.4.zipUploaded on: 06/27/2024 - 07:59   File size: 343.99 KB
World Renderer 1.7.1 for MCreator 2023.4 - Forge 1.19.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.1 - WorldRenderer-1.7.1-2023.4-1.19.2-1.19.4-1.20.1-1.20.4.zipUploaded on: 06/27/2024 - 07:59   File size: 283.34 KB


Would it be possible to specify entity source in data blocks? like for htings as cursor position, when you use it on update tick, it works but it won't let you join multiplayer server

Btw I found small bug, when you try to affect variables on render overlay event, it won't work on servers, can be some synchronization added?

Do you plan on adding lightmap customization in the future?

For context; Lightmaps are what control the colour of all blocklight in a dimension. For every dimension in vanilla, it's a yellowish colour, but the snapshot 20w14infinite had a lot of custom dimensions with different light colours.

This isn't asking for coloured lighting, as changing the lightmap changes all the light in a dimension to be a different colour.

Would it be possible to have a shape rotate 360 degrees at a constant rate and also have the ability to change the speed of rotation?

Hey, could I suggest the ability to interpolate between fog distances and between fog colors? I like to give some of my biomes custom fog but, when entering/exiting the biome, the transitions are always so abrupt. The ability to interpolate fog distances and colors like vanilla minecraft does would be very useful.

Hi, I just found small issue so i wanted to ask if it is fixable or there is a way around it.
In Graphics - Render overlays it is unable to use event target entity, is there a way around it or maybe chance that you add it?

Would it be possible for you to add the ability to display items in the description of an item? (similar to how a bundle works)

look at github issue page and is there any way to set render priority or continuously change the yaw pitch and roll of an entity in overlay

i am not able to render an entity
D:\MCreatorWorkspaces\src\main\java\net\lointain\cosmos\procedures\ error: cannot find symbol
renderEntity(world, CosmosModEntities.EARTH.get(), 0, 0, (-50), 0, 0, 0, 30, true);

It's giving an error when compiling the word render procedure, I'm on version 1.20.1
If you need it, here's a photo of the procedure:
If necessary, here is the error code: