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Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
Oscar Lanzi
  • Member for 8 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
29 votes

1+2+3+4+… and −⅛

24 votes

What is the largest subset of the sphere such that inner product of any two points in the set is nonnegative

17 votes

Finite set of non-collinear points on plane with every point having ≥ 3 equidistant neighbors?

11 votes

Known configurations maximizing the volume of the convex hull of n points on the unit sphere

8 votes

Examples of theorems where numerical bounds on $\pi$ played a role

8 votes

Examples of theorems where numerical bounds on $\pi$ played a role

6 votes

An unpublished calculation of Gauss and the icosahedral group

6 votes

Can the sphere be partitioned into small congruent cells?

5 votes

Billiard circuits in pentagons

5 votes

Can solutions to Thomson's problem have pentagons?

5 votes

Examples of unexpected mathematical images

5 votes

Examples of eventual counterexamples

4 votes

Subdivision of pentagon into six congruent pieces

4 votes

The group of all units of integral cyclotomic ring

3 votes

Your favorite surprising connections in mathematics

3 votes

Let $(a_n)_{n\in N}=(1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12,\cdots)$ list the set$\{2^n3^m\mid m,n\in N\}$. Find $α$ such that $(a_n)\alpha\pmod1$ is not equidistributed

3 votes

Dissecting using a ruler and compass

3 votes

Is the matrix induced L1-norm greater than the induced L2-norm?

2 votes

Golden ratio in contemporary mathematics

2 votes

What makes a geometric construction more or less stable?

2 votes

Are the Platonic solids shadows of 4-polytopes?

2 votes

Oddities of evenness

2 votes

111...11 base p = 111...11 base q

2 votes

Not especially famous, long-open problems which anyone can understand

2 votes

What is the taxicab number for rational fourth powers?

2 votes

Why can we not find exact values for sizes of cap sets for $d>6$?

2 votes

Square-root lattices: where do they appear?

2 votes

Tetrahedra with prescribed face angles

2 votes

Is there a bicyclic irregular pentagon in integers?

2 votes

Equidistribution of $(2^nx)$, $x$ irrational