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Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
Alexey Ustinov
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
50 votes

Rediscovery of lost mathematics

43 votes

Examples of unexpected mathematical images

41 votes

'Important' applications of p-adic numbers outside of algebra (and number theory).

38 votes

Rediscovery of lost mathematics

22 votes

Examples of unexpected mathematical images

20 votes

Open problems in Euclidean geometry?

20 votes

Conway's lesser-known results

19 votes

Open problems in Euclidean geometry?

18 votes

Zagier's one-sentence proof of a theorem of Fermat

18 votes

Rediscovery of lost mathematics

17 votes

What "real life" problems can be solved using billiards?

16 votes

Examples of unexpected mathematical images

16 votes

Examples of common false beliefs in mathematics

15 votes

Early two-author math papers

15 votes

Binomial coefficients and "missing primes"

15 votes

LaTeX tricks that save time in typesetting

14 votes

LaTeX tricks that save time in typesetting

14 votes

Generating function of the Thue-Morse sequence

13 votes

Ingenuity in mathematics

13 votes

Is this a new Fibonacci Identity?

13 votes

Mathematical conjectures on which applications depend

12 votes

A variant of Lambert function

12 votes

Not especially famous, long-open problems which anyone can understand

12 votes

Open problems in continued fractions theory

11 votes

distribution of coprime integers

11 votes

Length of Hirzebruch continued fractions

11 votes

The half-life of a theorem, or Arnold's principle at work

11 votes

A conjecture based on Wilson's theorem

11 votes

Is the sum of digits of $3^{1000}$ divisible by $7$?

11 votes

Examples of unexpected mathematical images

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