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Zsbán Ambrus's user avatar
Zsbán Ambrus's user avatar
Zsbán Ambrus
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Hungary, Europe
34 votes

Can we three-color a tiling of the plane with Smith, Meyers, Kaplan, and Goodman-Strauss's einstein?

23 votes

Blackbox Theorems

23 votes

Not especially famous, long-open problems which anyone can understand

22 votes

(non-)existence of the aperiodic monotile

17 votes

Mathematicians who were late learners?-list

14 votes

Example of a good Zero Knowledge Proof

14 votes

Open problems in Euclidean geometry?

13 votes

Suggestions for good notation

11 votes

What is the minimum N for which there exist N points in the plane that cannot be covered by any number of non-overlapping closed unit discs?

8 votes

Is every graph an edge-crossing graph?

8 votes

Graphs with circulant distance matrices

8 votes

Structures that turn out to exhibit a symmetry even though their definition doesn't

7 votes

Blackbox Theorems

7 votes

Pairwise intersecting sets of fixed size

7 votes

ultrapowers and higher order logic

6 votes

More open problems

6 votes

Pseudonyms of famous mathematicians

5 votes

covering disks with smaller disks

4 votes

Awfully sophisticated proof for simple facts

4 votes

Visualizing polyhedra from their 1-skeletons

3 votes

Paralel bezier curve

3 votes

Blackbox Theorems

3 votes

Large bicliques in r-partite graphs containing no independent sets having one vertex from each class

3 votes

Complexity of matching red and blue points in the plane.

3 votes

How can I embed an N-points metric space to a hypercube with low distortion?

3 votes

What is the easiest randomized algorithm to motivate to the layperson?

3 votes

Pairwise intersecting sets of fixed size

3 votes

Majority vote of total orders

2 votes

Generalizations of Planar Graphs

2 votes

Elementary + short + useful