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Liviu Nicolaescu's user avatar
Liviu Nicolaescu's user avatar
Liviu Nicolaescu
  • Member for 12 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
72 votes

Does Physics need non-analytic smooth functions?

62 votes

What are some very important papers published in non-top journals?

53 votes

Can one recover the smooth Gauss Bonnet theorem from the combinatorial Gauss Bonnet theorem as an appropriate limit?

39 votes

Examples of great mathematical writing

36 votes

Modern Mathematical Achievements Accessible to Undergraduates

34 votes

Should one attack hard problems?

29 votes

How many polynomial Morse functions on the sphere?

28 votes

What are some examples of ingenious, unexpected constructions?

27 votes

Why are there so many smooth functions?

26 votes

Why do I need densities in order to integrate on a non-orientable manifold?

24 votes

How are infinite-dimensional manifolds most commonly treated?

23 votes

Weitzenböck Identities

23 votes

Example of wall-crossing formulae?

23 votes

What are some deep theorems, and why are they considered deep?

22 votes

Writing papers in pre-LaTeX era?

21 votes

Physicist's request for intuition on covariant derivatives and Lie derivatives

21 votes

Relative De Rham cohomologies

20 votes

Is there an extrinsic-geometric viewpoint for connections?

20 votes

Why are lacunary series so badly behaved?

19 votes

How to understand Chern-Simons action

19 votes

How to define the square root of $1-\Delta $?

18 votes

Power series with funny behavior at the boundary

18 votes

What are the "correct" conventions for defining Clifford algebras?

18 votes

Derivative of eigenvectors of a matrix with respect to its components

18 votes

Integration on the space of symmetric matrices

17 votes

Fourier transform

17 votes

Finite dimensional "Mountain Pass Lemma"

17 votes

Boundedness of the derivative of the trace of an H^1 function

17 votes

What is the expected value of an N-dim vector of uniform randoms that sum to 1 which have been sorted into descending order?

17 votes

Inverse problem of Chern Classes

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