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Questions tagged [kahler-manifolds]

Questions about Kähler manifolds and Kähler metrics.

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Analogue of Bochner's formula for compact Kähler manifolds

Let $X$ be a compact Kähler manifold and $(E,h)$ a Hermitian vector bundle over $X$. Suppose that $\nabla$ is a Hermitian-Einstein connection on $E$, that is $$i\Lambda F_\nabla = \lambda\text{id}_E.$$...
Nikolai's user avatar
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Locality of Kähler-Ricci flow

Let $(M,I, \omega)$ be a compact Kähler manifold with $c_1(M)=0$. Denote by $\operatorname{Ric}^{1,1}(\omega)$ the Ricci (1,1)-form, that is, the curvature of the canonical bundle. It is known ("...
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
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Can an amalgamated free product be a Kähler group?

A finitely generated group $\Gamma$ is called a Kähler group if there exists a closed Kähler manifold $X$ such that $\pi_1(X) = \Gamma$. Let $\Gamma = G_{\ast H}K$ be a non-trivial amalgamated free ...
KFJ2611's user avatar
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Relative $dd^c$-lemma

Let $f\colon X\to Y$ be a surjective map of compact Kähler varieties. Pick an open subset $U\subset Y$ and let $X_U$ be the preimage of $U$. Does the $dd^c$-lemma hold on $X_U$? Namely, let $\alpha$ ...
fgh's user avatar
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A formula resembling the integral mean value on Kähler manifolds

I am reading comparison geometry of holomorphic bisectional curvature for Kähler manifolds and limit spaces by John Lott. I have a problem when reading the proof of the following theorem: Theorem. ...
HeroZhang001's user avatar
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Reference request. Looking for a specific compact complex manifold

For my research I need to construct a compact complex manifold with quartic ramification loci. By quartic ramification loci I mean that $L_1,L_2,L_3$ are complex algebraic varieties of degree four and ...
53Demonslayer's user avatar
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Variation of the metric on Kähler quotient

We can use Kähler quotient to produce a family of Kähler metrics on quotient space. My question is: how do we calculate the variation of these metric? This seems to be a natural question but I can't ...
LYJ's user avatar
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A paper of Borel (in German) on compact homogeneous Kähler manifolds

I am trying to understand the statement of Satz 1 in Über kompakte homogene Kählersche Mannigfaltigkeiten by Borel. Here is the statement in German Satz I: Jede zusammenhängende kompakte homogene ...
Bobby-John Wilson's user avatar
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Are Chern classes always vertical?

Let $c_k \in H^{2k}(M, \mathbb{Z})$ be the $k$-th Chern class of the tangent bundle of a Hermitian manifold $M$. Is $c_k$ necessarily vertical, i.e. $$ c_k = \sum_{i_1,\dots, i_{k}} \alpha_{i_1 \dots ...
Severin's user avatar
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A compact Kähler manifold that admits a homogeneous action of a non-reductive Lie group

Is it possible to have a compact Kähler manifold that admits a homogeneous action of a non-reductive Lie group? It seems not to be the case, but a precise argument of reference would be great! Edit: ...
Bobby-John Wilson's user avatar
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Explicit formula for complex structure on flag manifold/isospectral matrices?

Consider the flag manifold $M = U(n, \mathbb{C})/T^n$, where $T^n$ is the maximal torus of unitary diagonal matrices. Fixing a diagonal matrix $D$ with distinct reals on its diagonal, we can identify ...
ccriscitiello's user avatar
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Compact complex manifolds with nef canonical bundle have nonnegative Kodaira dimension

Let $X$ be a compact Kähler manifold with nef canonical bundle. The (Kähler extension of the) abundance conjecture asserts that $K_X$ is semi-ample, and thus $K_X^{\otimes m}$ admits a section for ...
ABBC's user avatar
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Is curvature of the canonical line bundle always $(1,1)?$

Let $(M,g,\omega)$ be a symplectic manifold with $g$ and $\omega$ denoting the Riemannian metric and the symplectic form respectively. If $J$ is a compatible almost-complex structure, then is the ...
Partha's user avatar
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Constant scalar curvature Kähler metric and Kähler-Einstein metric

Let $(M,g)$ be a Kähler manifold of complex dimension $2$. Suppose $g$ has constant scalar curvature, and the corresponding Ricci form $\rho$ is self-dual (i.e., $* \rho=\rho$). Can we prove that $(M,...
Zhiqiang's user avatar
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Request for non-Einstein positive constant scalar curvature Kähler surfaces

I am curious about concrete examples of compact cscK manifolds in complex dimension two, in particular cscK surfaces with positive scalar curvature. There are of course the Fano (del Pezzo) Kähler-...
Garrett Brown's user avatar

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