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Questions tagged [topological-quantum-field-theory]

Topological quantum field theory.

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Extending diffeomorphisms between surfaces

Suppose we have two smooth compact oriented surfaces $M_1$ and $M_2$ with boundary,both of them have genus $g$, and there are orientation preserving diffeomorphisms $\psi_1, \psi_2, \cdots, \psi_n$, ...
LDLSS's user avatar
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Possible research topics for a beginner in Topological QFT?

I am highly interested in Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT) and am currently planning on doing a project on this topic this year. Some relevant background: Algebra (Groups, Rings, Fields, basics ...
math-physicist's user avatar
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Possible relation between causal-net condensation and algebraic K theory

Causal-net condensation is a natural construction which takes a symmetric monoidal category or permutative category $\mathcal{S}$ as input date and produces a functor $\mathcal{L}_\mathcal{S}: \mathbf{...
xuexing lu's user avatar
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Example of pseudo $3$-manifold without any shape structure

I'm reading Andersen and Kashaev's A TQFT from quantum Teichmüller theory and the following condition in their definition of admissible oriented triangulated pseudo $3$-manifold confused me: ...
Shana's user avatar
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Some fusion rings/categories I don't recognize

Recently (what I believe are) all multiplicity-free fusion categories up to rank 7 have been posted on the AnyonWiki. Most of the fusion rings belonging to these categories belong to one of the ...
Gert's user avatar
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Recommendation to understand mean field theorem

I am studying Rodnianski and Schlein - Quantum Fluctuations and Rate of Convergence Towards Mean Field Dynamics. Everything was clear for me and I reproved everything before inequality (3.22) (except ...
Mr. Proof's user avatar
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Software for working with fusion categories

One way to describe fusion categories is via a fusion system: several lists of numbers that define the fusion ring, associator, braiding (if it exists), etc. Often, these sets of numbers are quite big,...
Gert's user avatar
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11 votes
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Can you deduce the correspondence between 2D oriented TQFTs and commutative Frobenius algebras from the (framed) Cobordism Hypothesis?

Background I am currently writing an MSc dissertation on TQFTs (and Khovanov homology, but that is unrelated to this question). After having read most of Kock's book on the equivalence between 2D ...
Santiago Pareja Pérez's user avatar
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Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants from extended 3d TQFTs

Attached to any object $V\in \mathcal{C}$ of a ribbon category $\mathcal{C}$, Reshetikhin and Turaev have defined knot invariants $$\tau_V(K)\ \in\ \text{End}_{\mathcal{C}}(1_{\mathcal{C}})$$ for ...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Are there (non Lagrangian) algebras of Turaev-Viro TQFTs which cannot be completed to Lagrangian algebras?

Consider a 3d TQFT of the Turaev-Viro type, say TV$(\mathcal{C})$, where $\mathcal{C}$ is some fusion category. Equivalently, this is a TQFT admitting Lagrangian algebra objects $\mathcal{L}$ of the ...
Andrea Antinucci's user avatar
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Explicit examples of 4-cocycles over finite 2-groups

By a (finite) 2-group $X$, I mean a finite group $G$, a finite abelian group $A$, an action of $G$ on $\operatorname{Aut}(A)$, as well as a 3-cocycle $\alpha\in H^3(BG, A)$. They are also equivalent ...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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Modularity of the Drinfeld center of the category of G-graded vector spaces

Background: Let $G$ be a finite group, and $\mathrm{Vect}_G$ be the category of finite dimensional $G$-graded vector spaces over some algebraically closed field $k$ of char 0. It is well-known that $\...
Xiaomeng Xu's user avatar
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Knot invariants in WZW CFT via Holographic Principle

In the physics literature the Holographic Principle relates theories in the bulk and the theories in the asymptotic boundary. While the bulk theory is the 3D Chern-Simons theory, the corresponding ...
Student's user avatar
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"Inclusion" between higher categories of framed bordisms?

Let $\mathrm{Bord}_n$ be the bordism $(\infty, n)$-category of unoriented manifolds. It can be viewed as an $(\infty, n+1)$-category whose $n+1$-morphisms are equivalences. If $n$ is large enough, ...
Daniel Bruegmann's user avatar
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What are some examples of 3-dualizable $(\infty,2)$ categories?

From the cobordism hypothesis, we know that (the space of) symmetric monoidal functors from the $(\infty,3)$ category of framed cobordisms into a symmetric monoidal $(\infty,3)$ category is the same ...
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